Sunday 4 April 2021

{Detachment}[8th April 1990]

[Redbook7:121][19900408:2350]{Detachment}[8th April 1990]


At the end of all this,* I find that I really have become remarkably detached about things which would have (and have) bothered me: eg rejection by the Church; writing and publishers; money.... Only, I am afraid, I still occasionally shout at my children (and once or twice at my wife): but even then, there is no longer any depth of negative feeling there; perhaps it is just a habit.** (It was one of the things which bothered me about ordination [as a priest], my loud voice within the family.)***

*[See [Redbook7:104-114][19900328:1738]{Tested Again}[28th March 1990]ff; & [Redbook7:104-114][19900328:1738]{Tested Again}[28th March 1990]ff]

**{(And exasperation)}

***{(And still does, about living in a town)}


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