Sunday 18 April 2021

{Birth Peaks and National Type [continued (3)]}[23rd April 1990]

[Redbook7:127][19900423:1245c]{Birth Peaks and National Type [continued (3)]}[23rd April 1990]



Other* factors – such as the basic agricultural (and to some extent mineral) resources required to sustain a standard of living sufficient to allow ‘surplus’ mental activity – need to be taken into account in examining particular cultures.

In addition, of course, we have already identified apparent cycles of change at various scales** which will also have an effect on the orientation of a particular culture.

But it is a fair generalisation that the U.S.A. has never seemed as artistically inspired a culture as Europe,*** despite the extent of its contemporary activity in the arts; but that it has pulled far ahead of Europe in science and technology, despite the initiation of many major scientific discoveries in Europe. If this**** is correct, we should see Europe becoming less artistic and more scientific (where it counts) in the future.

*[See last two previous entries]

**(ref VI [], VII [])

***(but more so, and less analytical, [in] the South than in the North?)

****[ie the speculations in the last two previous entries]



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