Friday 30 April 2021

{Conflict Circles}[14th May 1990]

[Redbook7:134-135][19900514:1135]{Conflict Circles}[14th May 1990]


‘All conflict in real life breaks down into seven classes....’*

Only the circular arrangement and the horizontal links are mine: the order is not. It is not immediately obvious that M~ is on the right and G~ is on the left; but it is noticeable that each degree on the left side tends to be the multiple, diffuse or depersonalised equivalent of its horizontal opposite on the right side, which supports the G~ left and M~ right horizontal orientation.

*(Writing school comprehensive course[,] Blueprints (1to 8)[:] 2-4 ‘The Right Way to Plot’)



{Occupational Birth-dates}[14th May 1990]

[Redbook7:133][19900514:0900]{Occupational Birth-dates}[14th May 1990]


[BD] told me yesterday of a statistical study which showed that the birth-date/occupation & type correlation is statistically reversed in the Southern Hemisphere* – and non-existent in the tropics (or was the last bit his speculation?). Unfortunately, he could not remember who did it, or where he read it.

This contradicts the finding by Professor(?) Smithers in 1978,** where climate was ruled out as the main governing factor by the discovery of the same patterns among New Zealanders.

The contradiction does not affect the basic structure and dynamics suggested for the system, but simply links the seasonal pattern into it at this point (as at several others, eg the life-cycle of one-year life forms).

*[cf [Redbook7:126-128][19900423:0915]{Birth Peaks and National Type}[23rd April 1990]]

**(as reported) <900519>

{II. [[Redbook2:133][19780831:2240]{Narrative Dreams}[31st August 1978], fn,] (133)}


Wednesday 28 April 2021

{Dream: Of a Military Exercise}[4th May 1990]

[Redbook7:132-133][19900504:1421]{Dream: Of a Military Exercise}[4th May 1990]


A curious dream last night: I was back in the T[erritorial] A[rmy],* with my friends(?) gathering for the start of an exercise. The exercise – for us in H.Q. – involved simply passing across a piece of difficult country: the achievement of this was not merely of administrative significance, but of central importance, although it involved no weapons (so far as I saw, anyway).

I discovered that the exercise was due to last, not three weeks as I had thought, but 7-8 weeks, maybe more; I was concerned about telephoning my family (not [W] and the children, perhaps, but my pre-marital family?)** to tell them, but did not in fact manage to do so.

We were waiting for the C[ommanding] O[fficer] to arrive. We were, it seemed, in a private house. As we moved into the first floor front room, there was a collection box on the side of the doorway, outside the room: the old lady*** who owned the house(?) said that I had not put money in it;**** I said that I had; after a little repetition of this, I exclaimed at her: (?) ‘Silly Cow!’ Inside the room, I regretted saying this: not because it was wrong, but because I thought the C[ommanding] O[fficer] would be angry. As we moved out of the room again and up the next flight of stairs, I realised that the C[ommanding] O[fficer] (whom I might or might not have seen at this point) was not angry at all.

In this dream there was none of the tension which dreams of the T[erritorial] A[rmy] usually (I think) engender; nor was the C[ommanding] O[fficer]# a man to be feared: more, respected.

*[The voluntary military reserve]

**[The writer left the Reserves before marrying and starting his own a family.]

***{cf [[Redbook7:137][19900519:1545]{Dream: Of an Urban House}[19th May 1990],] 137;

ref [[Redbook7:139][19900520:1524]{Dreaming of the Old Lady’s House}[120th May 1990],] 139

****(I had been concerned about under-payment to the Church, which I later put right with a cheque. <900519>)

#{God? Or the Archbishop?}


Tuesday 27 April 2021

{Testing Vocations}[3rd May 1990]

[Redbook7:132][19900504:1421]{Testing Vocations}[3rd May 1990]


Surely the proper way to test one’s vocation* is to deny it.

[A letter copied here dated 4th May 1990 addressed to the Warden for Ordinands included the questions (referring to statements on testing of vocations in the letter referred to in the last previous entry):

(a) What does the Church generally, and the Diocesan Selection Board in particular, understand by the term ‘Vocation’?

(b) What exactly are the methods used to test a Vocation?’

See [Redbook7:139][19900519:1830c]{Meeting the Archbishop again}[19th May 1990], fn=***]

(2nd interview with Archbishop of [...])<900504>[:] 19900503.1015


Monday 26 April 2021

{The Worshipping Tradition}[29th April 1990]

[Redbook7:131][19900429:2340b]{The Worshipping Tradition}[29th April 1990]



[The page is a photocopy of a letter headed “The Archbishop of [...]” (&c) dated 27th March 1990* signed by the Assistant Bishop and the Warden for Ordinands, which included a statement that the selection board felt that “may be [sic] more time was needed to grow in the worshipping tradition of the Anglican Church in general, and the Church in [...] in particular.... You gave the impression that you may be considering moving in the near future. I think that an indication of your long term commitment to the Church in [...] and the diocese in particular might also prove to be useful”.]

*(This date cannot possibly be intended, as it is the date of their refusal letter (ref [[Redbook7:104-114][19900328:1738]{Tested Again}[28th March 1990],] 104), & this is a reply to my letter of 16th April 1990. This letter was received on about 25th April ff)<19900504>


Sunday 25 April 2021

{Overman or Last Man?}[29th April 1990]

 [Redbook7:130][19900429:2340]{Overman or Last Man?}[29th April 1990]


[This journal entry begins with a photocopied extract from the Times Literary Supplement of the last page, headed ‘NB: Doing it my way – or your way’, of ‘a shortened version of a paper [by David E. Cooper] to be read at the conference “Nietsche’s Moment” on April 28 at the University of Essex, of which the words most relevant to what follows here are: ‘But [Nietzche] was not certain, and nor can we be, whether the moral development he predicted would represent, in Zarathustra’s terms, “weariness” or “sloth”. Would the absence of commitment, of “decisive and hard ‘Yes’s’”, reflect temporary exhaustion, a respite from the struggle to which these may indeed have led? – in which case there will one day be a reawakening. Or would it represent the victory of “sloth”, the nihilistic sense that there can be nothing worth affirming or negating? – in which case the time of the “last man” is indeed come, “when man will no longer shoot the arrow of his longing beyond man, and the string of his bow will have forgotten how to whir!”]


Saturday 24 April 2021

{Military Circles [continued]}[26th April 1990]

[Redbook7:129][19900426:1025b]{Military Circles [continued]}[26th April 1990]



It would be nice if this* fitted the present **512-year cycle, but it doesn’t:

*[See last previous entry]

**[The ms has 536, but it is clear from the ms diagram (above) that this is a slip for 512]


Friday 23 April 2021

{Military Circles}[26th April 1990]

[Redbook7:129][19900426:1025]{Military Circles}[26th April 1990]



Such fun!

(The order (1) – (4) also happens to be, I believe, the chronological order of their institution in England: ie:

(1) King Henry VIII’s Navy;

(2) Queen Elizabeth I’s secret service (under Lord Burleigh, William Cecil);

(3) the first standing army, under [Oliver] Cromwell; and

(4) the Air Force formed from military flying units in the 20th century.

I should have preferred it to have turned out the other way round, but of course that is scarcely possible.

(The cardinal boxes** are a speculative afterthought)

*cf 1 K[ings] 19:11-13:


11 And he said, Go forth, and stand upon the mount before the Lord. And, behold, the Lord passed by, and a great and strong wind rent the mountains, and brake in pieces the rocks before the Lord; but the Lord was not in the wind: and after the wind an earthquake; but the Lord was not in the earthquake: 12 And after the earthquake a fire; but the Lord was not in the fire: and after the fire a still small voice. 13 And it was so, when Elijah heard it, that he wrapped his face in his mantle, and went out, and stood in the entering in of the cave. And, behold, there came a voice unto him, and said, What doest thou here, Elijah?

( – Authorised/King James Version of the Bible)


**[ie the boxes at the cardinal points]



Thursday 22 April 2021

{[Two Dreams (continued):] … & A Publisher’s Office}[25th April 1990]

[Redbook7:128-129][19900425:1902b]{[Two Dreams (continued):] … & A Publisher’s Office}[25th April 1990]


I also* dreamt of [2] in a publisher’s office, and attempting to read a memo[randum] regarding it (in a clear plastic envelope wallet) which looked encouraging; but I did not quite get to the end of the final conclusion.

(I had had high hopes of Sinclair-Stevenson, but the article in The Independent a few days ago – despite the absurd mistake revealed next day, crediting the takeover of Hamish Hamilton to Random House instead of Penguin – had led me to consider that the new company is already too high-powered and highbrow for the likes of me.)

*[See last previous entry]

**(The book [2] was rejected – but ‘certainly unusual and intelligently done’. <900519>)


Wednesday 21 April 2021

{Two Dreams: of Dealing with a roof....}[25th April 1990]

[Redbook7:128][19900425:1902]{Two Dreams: of Dealing with a roof....}[25th April 1990]


Another* dream involving structures: this time de- &/or re-roofing a building which I took to be an outbuilding or low annexe of the O[ld] C[ourt] H[ouse],** but without any sense of collapse: the problem was under control. (We are doing building and P[ainting] & D[ecorating] work on [CH] at the moment, and I have discovered a seasoning crack in one of the roof timbers).

*[[Redbook7:123][19900417:1857b]{Dream: Of A Collapsing House}[17th April 1990]; & al]

**ref [[Redbook7:123][19900417:1857b]{Dream: Of A Collapsing House}[17th April 1990],] 123n


Sunday 18 April 2021

{Birth Peaks and National Type [continued (5)]}[23rd April 1990]

[Redbook7:128][19900423:1245e]{Birth Peaks and National Type [continued (5)]}[23rd April 1990]



What the studies* imply, therefore,** is that all cultures, to the extent that they become transmuted on a Western post-Christian (or neo-Christian) model, will tend to move to (or reinforce) a culture in which analytical activities such as scientific technology predominate over inspirational activity such as creative art.

That this did not happen in Europe until relatively recently or now, presumably reflects the fact that Europe has only recently become a secular, developed, relatively post-Christian*** society[.]

Christianity has not been abandoned so much as absorbed into the unconscious.

*[[Redbook7:126-128][19900423:0915]{Birth Peaks and National Type}[23rd April 1990]]


[[Redbook7:126-128][19900423:0915]{Birth Peaks and National Type}[23rd April 1990]ff]

***{or neo-Christian. Perhaps post-Christian should imply the abandonment of Christianity altogether.}


{Birth Peaks and National Type [continued (4)]}[23rd April 1990]

Redbook7:127][19900423:1245d]{Birth Peaks and National Type [continued (4)]}[23rd April 1990]



So far as natural patterns are concerned, we should expect (as their cultures develop) to be seeing, for example, Argentina, Chile, South Africa and southern Australia to be more analytical, and the countries to the north of them in the Southern hemisphere to be more inspirational; and there is some evidence, at first glance, to support this. These are young and ‘innocent’ cultures relatively uncomplicated by historical factors, and in reasonably productive areas.

In the hot zones of the northern hemisphere, where the cultures are ancient (eg N[orth] Africa, Arabia, India, Indonesia),* there is no clear predominance of analytical over inspirational elements.

*(for southern USA, see above [last previous entry, fn=***]



{Birth Peaks and National Type [continued (3)]}[23rd April 1990]

[Redbook7:127][19900423:1245c]{Birth Peaks and National Type [continued (3)]}[23rd April 1990]



Other* factors – such as the basic agricultural (and to some extent mineral) resources required to sustain a standard of living sufficient to allow ‘surplus’ mental activity – need to be taken into account in examining particular cultures.

In addition, of course, we have already identified apparent cycles of change at various scales** which will also have an effect on the orientation of a particular culture.

But it is a fair generalisation that the U.S.A. has never seemed as artistically inspired a culture as Europe,*** despite the extent of its contemporary activity in the arts; but that it has pulled far ahead of Europe in science and technology, despite the initiation of many major scientific discoveries in Europe. If this**** is correct, we should see Europe becoming less artistic and more scientific (where it counts) in the future.

*[See last two previous entries]

**(ref VI [], VII [])

***(but more so, and less analytical, [in] the South than in the North?)

****[ie the speculations in the last two previous entries]



Friday 16 April 2021

{Birth Peaks and National Type [continued]}[23rd April 1990]

[Redbook7:126][19900423:1245b]{Birth Peaks and National Type [continued]}[23rd April 1990]



The consequences* ought to be as follows (broadly):

Inspirational’ peak

Analytical’ peak

**Natural northern hemisphere temperate zone

eg Europe, North America

Natural northern hemisphere hot zone

eg North Africa, India, Arabia, Southern U.S.A.

Natural Southern hemisphere hot zone

eg N[orth] of Southern Africa,

N[orth] of S[outh] America

Natural Southern hemisphere temperate zone

eg S[outh] Africa, Argentina, Chile


European birth peak for centuries until now

(‘Behavioural’) European (& [‘]Western’ cultures) birth peak from now


(?U[nited] S[tates] birth peak until mid 19th century?)

(Behavioural) U[nited] S[tates] birth peak since mid 19th century

The conclusions from this are not as obvious as they seemed at first!

*[See last previous entry]

**[The arrows on the ms chart from the two lower ** lead to the upper **]



{Birth Peaks and National Type}[23rd April 1990]

[Redbook7:126-128][19900423:0915]{Birth Peaks and National Type}[23rd April 1990]


[A cutting from the New Scientist 19900421:27 inserted here cannot be reproduced here for copyright reasons. It is headed “Not tonight darling – it isn’t Christmas” and reports on a study by William James of the Mammalian Development Unit of the Medical Research Council at University College, London (Journal of Biosocial Science, vol 22, p113). It reports that “For centuries, the spring has been the peak season for births,* unlike in the U.S., where births have peaked in Autumn since the middle of the 19th century. Now the European peak is also changing to the autumn, and it seems that holidays are to blame.... Until recently... countries in the southern hemisphere whose population were of European descent has a pattern of births similar to the European one... displaced by six months.”]



[The ms diagram reproduced above, which is mostly a reference diagram repeating earlier*circle diagrams relating to modes of thought, is probably too wide in too many columns to be easily reproduced in the ts.]

*{But see [[Redbook7:167][19900716:019]{Sperm Count Cycles}[16th July 1990],] 167}

[A newspaper cutting highlighting: “In England and Wales, the peak in births is in December, with a trough from January to March.”]

**cf [[Redbook7:133][19900514:0900]{Occupational Birth-dates}[14th July 1990],] 133;

[[Redbook7:167][19900716:019]{Sperm Count Cycles}[16th July 1990],]167

***(& ref II.[[Redbook2:133][19780831:2240]{Narrative Dreams}[31st August 1978] – fn re cutting re Alan Smithers’ statistical research inserted there,]133)

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