Friday 12 February 2021

{St Teresa of Avilia: Fleeing the World and Family}[14th March 1990]

[Redbook7:87][19900314:1356c]{St Teresa of Avilia: Fleeing the World and Family}[14th March 1990]



‘All the advice which the saints give us about fleeing from the world is, of course, good. Believe me, then, attachment to our relatives* is, as I have said, the thing which sticks to us most closely and is hardest to get rid of. People are right, therefore, when they flee from their own part of the country – if it helps them, I mean, for I do not think we are helped so much by fleeing from any place in a physical sense as by resolutely embracing the good Jesus, Our Lord, with the soul.’

St Teresa of Avilia,

Way of perfection, Ch IX

[from final paragraph]

*(St Teresa excludes parents and brothers and sisters under certain circumstances)


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