Sunday 21 February 2021

{Financing a C[ircles] A[nalysis &] S[ynthesis] Utopia (1)}[21st March 1990]

[Redbook7:92-97][19900321:1016]{Financing a C[ircles] A[nalysis &] S[ynthesis] Utopia (1)}[21st March 1990]


Thinking about the ideal society, in which every man is free to follow where the Spirit leads him (assuming that it is Man, not the Spirit, which leads him into evil)....

The idea behind such a Society [sic] is that a large number of people are naturally keen to take on those organisational (and similar) jobs which people are paid a premium for doing now – and indeed, in any voluntary society, * among those who do not need to work (eg the older [...]** married women), we see competition to do these sorts of tasks, quite unremunerated....***

Similarly, it is considered (from experience) that almost everyone wants to work, ie wants to use up surplus physical and mental energy in some way.

Finally that [sic]**** there will always be those who want something more than the basic provision, for themselves or for their families, and who will be available to carry out those tasks which Men naturally do not wish to do, and which machines unsupervised cannot do.

The balancing of demand and supply for this kind of labour might depend on controlled use of advertising (ie arousing expectations just sufficiently to provide the extra manpower for the task to be done as well as # the product advertised).

*[There may be an ‘&’ here in the ms – unclear]

**[The ms has ‘the older wives of married women’ here, which seems somewhat ahead of its time and must represent a hiatus in train of thought]

***{(The implication of which may be that the [salary] premium is due not to the scarcity of such types, but their avarice....)}

****[ie, Finally, it is considered that...]

#[Presumably, demand for]



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