Sunday 15 September 2019

{God the Spirit Incarnate}[22nd February 1989]

[Redbook6:102-104)][19890222:1537]{God the Spirit Incarnate}[22nd February 1989]


But* if God the Spirit, who must be capable of forming and executing an intention – {(}the counterpart of which Ordination would be, by Circles Analysis and Synthesis, the self-sacrifice of Love, the basic principle being the creation of two opposites out of the nothingness of one{)}** – or otherwise the Universe would be hard to account for: if God the Spirit wished to set the World straight, the sending of a Man with a Spirit of God so unveiled that he was in effect God the Spirit in Human Form [sic] would seem to be the logical and practical way to do it.

At the same time, statistical distribution patterns suggest that while the vast majority of us may be of an ordinary degree of the Spirit, occasionally one will appear who is on the extreme – at one end or the other, good or evil. This, of course, implies a linear spectrum,**** which although it corresponds in some ways to the vertical polarity of the Circles, does not necessarily fit (as a distribution pattern) the likely patterns of distribution around the Circles.

*[Probably referring to [Redbook6:101)][19890219:1710]{The Religion of the Holy Spirit}[19th February 1989];&f?]

**{See [[Redbook6:255)][19890913:0927#]{Biblical Circles (3)}[13th September 1989],] 255 – is this why the prophets of Israel (after the Covenant) prophesied a Messiah?}

***[Most likely a normal probability distribution or bell curve]



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