Friday 20 September 2019

{Ghosts [continued]}[2nd March 1989]

[Redbook6:107-109)][19890302:2317b]{Ghosts [continued]}[2nd March 1989]


After all, on the Circle pattern of inner-circle fusing, a passage through Diversity is inevitable: this may be why the spirits of the recently deceased are often felt to remain around their homes and kin for a short while* after Death – after the First Death,** and after or perhaps during the Second Death** – until their presence fades into memory. There are, of course, perfectly adequate psychological explanations for this [feeling].***
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It is interesting that by this theory ghosts behave exactly like living people: among whom, the selfish ones generally do not notice change unless it affects themselves (and one must assume ghosts to be materially unaffected by change on Earth), whereas the unselfish are interested in the well-being of others and in changes affecting those others.

*{Traditionally for 3 days, I believe}

**[See [Redbook4:105][19871005:2320f]{[The Mind [continued (3)]] – The Three Deaths}[5th October 1987]; & eg:
[Redbook4:110][19871006:1020f]{Death on the Line}[6th October 1987];
[Redbook4:116-117][19871006:1020m]{Hell, Purgatory and Paradise – [1] Hell}[6th October 1987]ff;
& [2]]

***[As indeed for all reported experiences by Humans of ghosts. As indeed for almost everything experienced by Humans and not otherwise explicable. <20190920>]


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