Friday 20 September 2019

{Ghosts}[2nd March 1989]

[Redbook6:107-109)][19890302:2317]{Ghosts}[2nd March 1989]


I have discussed* a possible explanation of ghosts in terms of those souls whose ‘rejected’ aspects – the selfish, evil, or even tragic – which do not fuse to the Spirit, are so dominant that they represent a recognisable persona, and remain to haunt what they remember – their localities during life – in the way they remember. Such persona cannot change or comprehend change: however much you might attempt to explain to one that the World had moved on, he would never understand. He might, however, notice you; he might not remember you. Such a ghost would be earthbound forever, or at least until destroyed or in some way cast out.

Throughout the history of recorded ghost-experiences, however, we come across another kind: the ghost who stays around remembered locations, remembering the way things were, and tries to contact living people in order to make some arrangement. When this has been done, the ghost may** not come again; some claim to be aware of such ghosts being received at last
by other, perhaps higher spirits, with joy. Similarly, ghosts not given to revisitation may appear uniquely in relation to a particular event involving the living whom the ghost might remember, or have reason to be aware of. Such a ghost does seem to be aware of change, at least in those she communicates with, and one can speculate that this is a Soul which is, or is being, fused with its Spirit to an extent which remains recognisably the person who once lived on Earth, and who either for some reason retains an unselfish attraction to Earth (eg to help another) which prevents her from leaving until the task is accomplished; or who has even been unselfishly attracted back to Earth for a similar purpose, from Timelessness back into Time, for a time, by the only attraction which could bring a spirit out of Unity into Diversity again: that is, Love.

*(In an earlier Vol.) {[(]III. [] 114} [sic; this must be incorrect for
[Redbook4:111-113][19871006:1020h]{Ghosts}[6th October 1987]ff (& ant)]


***{I am not sure which kind of ghost reappears to arrange its own proper re-burial….}



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