Saturday 10 August 2019

{A Dream: Of one of the Inns of Court}[4th January 1989]

[Redbook6:76-77)][19890104:1933b]{A Dream: Of one of the Inns of Court}[4th January 1989]


In a dream this morning I found myself with [W] revisiting one of the Inns of Court.* We first sat down next to a couple whom I had mistaken for old friends; then (with some awareness of gates etc. being closed for the evening) [W] took me to what I thought was the gatekeeper’s lodge, but which, as it was in a basement, I quickly realised was only a clerk’s room. There a clerk showed us, in a kind of blank target high outside, holes which he seemed to have made by shooting.

Going outside,** we saw an extraordinary statue, supposedly of Christ and in some way representative of the ethos of this Inn of Court, but in fact many-armed like an Indian god (S[h]iva?).***

Next, still outside the Inn, we looked into a large tent-like structure with walls like opaque (glowing) white veils. In the further of these a hole or holes had (momentarily?) appeared, and some person or persons had gone through it to the other side, beyond our sight.

I mention this dream chiefly because of its death-images.

*{Clearly I did not know (or want to know) which one.}
[Inns of Court: 4 collegiate societies on sites in central London to at least one of which all Barristers – advocates, members of the Bar – of England and Wales must belong and in which they often have their offices (‘chambers’) and may socialise.]

**[the Inn – see subsequent para]

***[(Sic). For example. (‘Vishnu (or Siva?)’ has been crossed out in the ms after ‘like’.]


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