Friday 10 May 2019

{Raymond}[8th October 1988]

[Redbook6:3-6][19881008:1400b]{Raymond}[8th October 1988]

For some reason that I don’t understand – except that it has brought the Grail to my attention again, just before I shall have to write about it** – I have felt impelled to re-read ‘The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail’,*** making a few notes in the margin, researching a little into the individuals and families involved up to c1450, and recording my impressions at the end of the book:

A. Basically, the book is founded on ignorance, selection and speculation. This is particularly noticeable in the second half of the book. Some provisional conclusions:

(1) Some person or organisation has been seducing the authors with a mixture of truth, speculation and deception. He [sic] or it is familiar with astrology, tarots(?) etc..

(2) It is unnecessary for Merovingians to be descended from Jesus (and unlikely). But the existence of Merovingian ancestry might have grounded a claim (long ago) to the throne of France in those who claimed Septimanian descent from Jesus. There seem to have been a number of hiatuses in their lines.

(3) The status and fate of Jesus, and his purpose, are hardly relevant to to the question of whether he was married and/or had children: Occam’s Razor should be applied.

*{See [[Redbook6:320][19891015:0000]{The Messianic Legacy}[15th October 1989],] 320,
[[Redbook6:328][19891022:1005]{History Cycles}[22nd October 1989],] 328
(& IX. [] 22 (c9104))}

**[Reference unclear – possibly a draft or intended booklet rather than fiction, given the date.]

***Baigent, Leigh & Lincoln, Corgi 1982/3



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