Tuesday 14 May 2019

{Raymond [continued (5)]}[13th October 1988]

[Redbook6:6][19881013:2002]{Raymond [continued (5)]}[13th October 1988]


There is no particular reason why such a descent* should run from Jesus himself – the genealogies (which, of course, conflict in the New Testament) would apply equally to his brothers and sisters.** Clearly one’s attitude to this would depend on one’s view of the Virgin Birth.

*[See last 4 previous entries, [Redbook6:3-6][19881008:1400b]{Raymond}[8th October 1988]ff]

**{This possibility is explored vaguely in the sequel, ‘The Messianic Legacy’ [Baigent, Leigh & Lincoln (London, 1986)]}
[& cf [Redbook6:320][19891015:0000]{The Messianic Legacy}[15th October 1989]]

The field of [High Gothic] sculpture that expanded with great rapidity was the more private one, represented by tombs and other monuments.
For this, the family feeling of Louis IX [King of France] was partly responsible. By making sure that both his remote ancestors and his next of kin got a decent burial – or reburial – he was responsible for an impressive series of monuments (the remnants of which are now chiefly in saint-Denis executed mainly in the years following 1260. Although earlier examples and precedents may be found, Louis IX had a large share in popularising the idea of the dynastic mausoleum, and many other important people followed suit.’ – E[ncylopaedia] B[ritannica] 27:89 <910314>

{& see VIII. [[Redbook8:326-327][19910314:1020j][Gothic Art (2)(continued (15)):] High Gothic [14th March 1991]] 326, 

[[Redbook8:332][19910315:1000g][Gothic Art (2)(continued (25))][15th March 1991],] 332, 

[[Redbook8:338-341?][19910315:1000y][[Gothic Art (3)] {Saintly Kings}][15th March 1991],] 338}

[For a fictional reference to all this ([Redbook6:4-5][19881008:1400c]{Raymond [continued]}[8th October 1988]ff), see [0]]


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