Monday 31 December 2018

{Undine (1) [continued]}[15th August 1988]

[Redbook5:285-286][19880815:0040]{Undine (1) [continued]}[15th August 1988]


The problem with this sort of thing* is that you are treated either as a genius, or insane. Neither, of course, is the correct response. I am one of the sanest people I know, when I am working at this; my neuroses come when I deflect myself for too long. And if there is a genius at work, technically speaking I am not it.

It is, of course, a long way from most people’s experience, and from the experience most people would regard as normal.** If it is not to be just a curious byway of the mind, at most, my task is to bring out of it what is valuable to Man as a whole: which is precisely what I am trying to do.

In this present experience there is no sexuality: perhaps because I am not in bed.***  I think there are no fins, either. But there is that loving warmth that seems to suffuse the whole body with its warmth [sic], and the Mind with its love.

Sometimes she – the nearest one – looks down for a while at the hands on her lap; then she may lift her eyes to mine, so that I meet a glance of the clearest blue, and an innocence I find hard to describe: a depth of innocence, an innocence (I suspect) of great wisdom.****

*[See last previous entry]

**I do realise!

***[ie with [W], with predictable consequences]

****{cf xS (III... [(eg)[Redbook3:98-99][19870404:1005g]{Resonance [continued]}[4th April 1987];
[Redbook3:103-104][19870404:1005l](INNOCENCE{:[xS]})[4th April 1987]ff ;
& eg [Redbook3:123-124][19870405:1057f](BELIEF AND KNOWLEDGE{1}[continued(6)])[5th April 1987]ff])
(but see [[Redbook5:295-296][19880815:0935]{Undine (3)}[15th August 1988],] 296}



Sunday 30 December 2018

{Undine (1)}[15th August 1988]

[Redbook5:285-287][19880815:0040]{Undine (1)}[15th August 1988]


*By what manipulation of the mind I do not know – I am very tired** – but I am suddenly aware, intensely, of these Undine Angels around me as I write: childlike in form, but adult or more than adult in size, the foremost kneeling facing me at my left side,*** regarding me, her hands clasped in her lap; and others close by. I was first made aware of this, in the inner sense, by the touch of loving hands on my back and chest, and arms on my shoulders. This was just after I had wondered whether I should anticipate similar dreams**** tonight: laying myself open to them.

*cf [[Redbook5:199-200][19880701.1753d]{[xS] visiting}[1st July 1988],] 199,
[[Redbook5:200-202][19880702:0914]{[xS] is here}[2nd July 1988],] 200
{[[Redbook5:275-276][19880814:1130]{Two Dreams: Of swimming with fair-haired girls}[14th August 1988],] 275-6}

**[Possibly tiredness of the analytical and other conscious functions of the brain releasing other areas, as the writer repeatedly found when creating fiction after midnight during the year or so leading up to the date of this note; and as a young friend of his, newly a father of twins, found when composing music in the small hours. <20181230>]

***As I sit on the right side of my sofa, working, there is only room on the left…. <880815>
[in the tiny study – see next entry but one]
but a more profound explanation might tie in with experiments connecting direction of eye-movement with mentation in the opposite (but controlling) hemisphere (Ornstein, Ibid [‘The Psychology of Consciousness’, Jonathan Cape, 1975 (1972)], 61-62) <880815>

****[Presumably, similar to those recounted above at {[[Redbook5:275-276][19880814:1130]{Two Dreams: Of swimming with fair-haired girls}[14th August 1988]]



{Powers of Two}[14th August 1988]

[Redbook5:284][19880814:1910c]{Powers of Two}[14th August 1988]


*Why is the mathematical progression in powers of 2?

Well, it looked right when I saw it; but 2 is the smallest positive whole number which progresses at all, through the powers.

2 also encompasses the fundamental possibility of Separation, and Change.



{Angels and Archangels}[14th August 1988]

[Redbook5:284][19880814:1910b]{Angels and Archangels}[14th August 1988]


There is an implication, if my interpretation* of these dreams** is correct, that Archangels tend to act individually, and Angels collectively; and indeed that would fit the title ‘Arch’, ie chief, superior,*** since they are likely presumably to be chief over more Angels. It also fits appearances recorded in the Bible, if I recall correctly, in a general sort of way: Angels may appear singly, often collectively; Archangels rarely appear together, if ever, and certainly to the best of my recollection never act collectively: they always have separate functions.

‘Angel of God’, incidentally, appears originally to have meant a manifestation of God himself in human form, which fits in with the fluidity of the Ophanim**** through their hierarchy. (I am trying to use the word ‘Ophanim’ for the collective Wheel of Angelic beings, so as to avoid confusion with the nearest Degree to us, [ie] the Angels.)

*[See eg last previous entry]

**[[Redbook5:275-276][19880814:1130]{Two Dreams: Of swimming with fair-haired girls}[14th August 1988],ff]

***(But ‘Arch’ used to mean Original, First)

****(The singular is Ophan (a Wheel) (per Young’s Concordance))

[See Redbook5:302-303][19880817:(am)b]{Angels and Archangels (2)}[17th August 1988]]


{Undines}[14th August 1988]

[Redbook5:283-284][19880814:1910]{Undines}[14th August 1988]


What are they, my Undines?* They are simpler than real people: simpler, even, than dream representations of real people; and yet far more real. This simplicity may be the effect the Outer Principle appropriate to their Degree, for which the Inner Principle is, of course, Love: the other quality which comes across strongly. But it may also have something to do with their essential nature, **which is purer, more refined, less complicated than ours, as their existence and purpose is to serve the divine Will. For if I am right, they are the nearest Degree to us in the Angelic Hierarchy of the Ophanim*** – Angels, in the traditional view. Nothing of such Simplicity and Love could be evil.

In the case of the lady of the first dream**** (and earlier dreams),# she of the glowing golden hair, I speculate that she is also an Undine, but [is] one Degree removed: an Archangel in the traditional scale. She need not be either xS or +K: she can arise anywhere along the Circles, and I speculate that she belongs between xS and +K (r~ & g~)[.] I could be wrong; but she had a light and a stature and form greater and finer than theirs. 

It should be remembered that, in this theory, any ‘Individual’ spirit of the Ophanim can progress freely up and down the hierarchy, as if on Jacob’s Ladder: so it is not a question of overlords and underclasses. At least on the right side of Powers, however, ie from Principalities right [sic] upwards, the numbers of types are reduced in a strict mathematical series, so that the scope for Individual uniqueness correspondingly narrows.#*

*{cf [[Redbook5:127-128][19880528:1737]{Elemental Spirits}[28th May 1988]] 127}
[ref [Redbook5:277-278][19880814:1130e]{Dream Nakedness}[14th August 1988]; &
[Redbook5:280-281][19880814:1540d]{Sexual Intercourse (& Dream Nakedness) [continued (3)]}[14th August 1988]]
{Sooner or later I am going to accidentally drop an ‘n’ & write ‘Undies’….}

**(This is not wholly in accord with Circle progressions)

***ie c[irca:]





****[[Redbook5:275-276][19880814:1130]{Two Dreams: Of swimming with fair-haired girls}[14th August 1988]]

#[See eg [Redbook4:219-224][19871213:2005]{Walking with the Fair-haired Girl}[13th December 1987]; & esp
[Redbook4:219-220][19871213:2005c]{Walking with the Fair-haired Girl [continued (3)]}[13th December 1987]]

#*I doubt whether an individual Angel can change Type on one level; that would involve changing Soul-quality, which together with experience is the equivalent in the Ophanim to personality – I speculate!
This seems curious <891011>
On the other hand, an Angel’s behaviour might change as it moved normally through Degrees? <880815>
(see [[Redbook5:291-293][19880815:0935]{Undines (2)}[15th August 1988],] 293)
[& [Redbook5:295-296][19880815:2105]{Undines (3)}[15th August 1988]]


Wednesday 26 December 2018

{Sexual Intercourse (& Dream Nakedness) [continued (5)]}[14th August 1988]

[Redbook5:282-283][19880814:1540f]{Sexual Intercourse (& Dream Nakedness) [continued (5)]}[14th August 1988]


Thinking about earlier dreams or visions involving girls (or mixed sexes) in changing-rooms,* etc, I suspect that these are all powerful symbols for the Transformation point. But I also suspect that heterosexual intercourse has an actual significance – if it is an expression of real love – which is both unifying and transforming – re-creative, in fact, of both partners. As I pass (I hope) down the ‘female’ semi-circle, I see heterosexual intercourse, when it is an expression of true Love, as wholly positive. (I may, of course, feel quite differently if I travel up the right side of the Inner Circle.)

*[eg [Redbook2:335-336][19840516:2330]{A Dream of Drowning, and Angelic Visitation}[16th May 1984]; &
[Redbook4:221-222][19871213:2005e]{Walking with the Fair-haired Girl [continued (5)]}[13th December 1987], &fn***; & cf [Redbook4:219-220][19871213:2005c]{Walking with the Fair-haired Girl [continued (3)]}[13th December 1987], &ant&ff]


{Sexual Intercourse (& Dream Nakedness) [continued (4)]}[14th August 1988]

[Redbook5:281-282][19880814:1540e]{Sexual Intercourse (& Dream Nakedness) [continued (4)]}[14th August 1988]


This view* of heterosexual intercourse as an outward expression of the inner marriage – of hemispheres, on the Inner Circle – exposes the essential sterility and self-serving nature of homosexual intercourse.** It also suggests why adultery is risky – because it creates one such symbolic marriage where another already exists, and in a form which is likely to be transient, thus debasing the experience. It does not necessarily follow from this that polygamy is wrong: after all, the ‘male’ side tends to be more singular, the ‘female’ side more plural or fragmented: it is arguable that one male side could be expected to ‘lead’ a multiplicity on the female side (but not vice versa! – this may suit the natural tendencies of female and male respectively).*** But adultery which risks breaking up an existing marriage of female and male ‘sides’ is wrong, on this analysis.

*[See last previous entry]

**[BUT Trans Gender?]
[These views on homosexuality are not in accordance with the writer’s later views, & might in any case refer only to a particular aspect of male homosexual practice: see [Redbook5:303-305][19880817:1703]{Sexual Love}[17th August 1988], fn***, ****, & seq.]

***I am rather pleased, if surprised, to have apparently come up with a justification for male-dominated polygamy!
[ie polygyny. It could surely just as easily be seen as a justification for polyandry, ie ‘single minded’ (males) wanting to focus on one woman,‘multi-tasking’ females happy to run more than one male at a time. As to adultery, these views didn’t stop the writer having two widely-separated (and unplanned) adulterous liaisons when his marriage had been under severe strain for some time; and see next entry re possible relationship of opinions to position on Circle.]

cf [[Redbook5:303-305][19880817:0000]{Sexual Love]}[17th August 1988], 303-4 (presumably) as page-numbering corrected from] 301-2



Sunday 23 December 2018

{Sexual Intercourse (& Dream Nakedness) [continued (3)]}[14th August 1988]

[Redbook5:280-281][19880814:1540d]{Sexual Intercourse (& Dream Nakedness) [continued (3)]}[14th August 1988]


The problem with sexual intercourse, of course, is that it is transient:* and any relationship based on it tends to be transient too, unless (as sometimes happens) it can be converted into something deeper. Every girl intuitively knows – or should know – that if she and her partner build up the relationship in a more inward way first, it has a better chance of being a lasting relationship of love expressed in all ways, including sexual intercourse.

The symbolism of the Circles (such as T.XIV), of course, applies at many levels. Perhaps all that my fair-haired girls, my Undines, are trying to tell me is what any girl might be expected to tell any man she really cared about: that sexual intercourse at too early a stage brings risks of a merely transient relationship. This relationship is in an Inner Sense: it is about things of the Spirit; and even ** on a purely symbolic level, even with creations within the Inner World, sexual intercourse should not come first.**

(Well, I am listening. Tell me those things which are first: not now, but when you will.)***

*Because, of course, it is one expression of love but not only an expression of love.

**[“as” in the ms here seems clearly to have been accidentally left over from the first draft “as a symbol” and has therefore been omitted from this ts. <20190109>]

***[In fiction, presumably, as that would seem the only possibility. But cf the Narrator and +K in [0]?!]]

****Love, of course, you dill.#

#[That’s the fourth ‘of course’ in this entry.]



{Sexual Intercourse (& Dream Nakedness) [continued]}[14th August 1988]

[Redbook5:279-280][19880814:1540c]{Sexual Intercourse (& Dream Nakedness) [continued]}[14th August 1988]


*Sexual intercourse, between the sexes, may be an outer expression of that marriage of left and right, ‘female’ and ‘male’,[***] in the inner World, which can only occur through the loving and harmonising Way of the Inner Circle (sealed by +CI~ in Unity). There is some reason** to believe that whereas the Outer Circle ‘unwinds’ and leaves behind everything it passes; the Inner Circle ‘winds up’ and carries everything it encounters up towards Harmony, and Unity. The ‘female’,*** or left Degrees are therefore carried round to join the ‘male’*** or right Degrees, the meeting point being presumably near, or shortly before, a~.****

In one sense, therefore, the place for an outer expression of this, ie sexual intercourse (&/or marriage), is there,# at Diversity (or Creation).# On the other hand, the pattern T.XIV – TXX as an analogy for pregnancy has been noted;#* and the whole area of T.XIV as well as the card itself, with the emphasis on transfer of fluid etc., is an apt analogy for sexual intercourse. This is after all the Transformation Point between Outer Circle (Right- or Male[-] dominated) and Inner Circle (Left- or Female- dominated, at this stage anyway).

*Some of this may have been covered earlier.
[Yes, almost certainly; and probably more than once]

**(per [2], & mathematically)
(cp? The Working Day) (IV?[[Redbook4:263-264][19871227:0040b]{The Daily Grind}[26th December 1987]f])

***I said I wouldn’t call left and right ‘female’ and ‘male’, not long ago. But this is a special case.
[cf [Redbook5:270-271][19880812:1704d]{In Two Minds [continued (4)]}[12th August 1988]]

****But see [[Redbook5:271][19880812:1704e]{In Two Minds [continued (5)]}[12th August 1988]] 271!
[Lower case here signifying Inner Circle]

#[ie at a~ (or j~; see [[Redbook5:271][19880812:1704e]{In Two Minds [continued (5)]}[12th August 1988]]]

#*II.[[Redbook2:357][19850101:1225]{Birth and Rebirth}[1st January 1985]], near end?
[& [Redbook3:135-136][19870406:2300c](SEX AND GENDER [continued(3)]: True Love and the Death of the Self)[6th April 1987]

