Thursday 14 June 2018

{Schizophrenia & Manic Depression (3)}[17th June 1988]

[Redbook5:164][19880617:1949]{Schizophrenia & Manic Depression (3)}[17th June 1988]


The question arising out of the discussion of manic-depression and schizophrenia (above)*, is: to what extent may they be regarded as aspects of the same dis-ease?

In Circle terms, manic-depression may be seen as a small, relatively self-contained circle at A~ relative to Schizophrenia's larger arc through G~-R~-C~; but there is sufficient overlap and uncertainty in classification** of variations of the two diseases,*** to suggest that they may well be different reactions or courses of the same disease, depending probably on the nature or degree of the sufferer.

A certain kind of person (an 'A' type? Or C/S~ to A~/J~ type?) will remain “at” A~**** undergoing quick sub-circles of manic depression: manic towards and at sub A~ (= a~)# (perhaps good-humoured at m~, irritable at a~), depressed at c-s~#* (where the victim 'may be mistaken for am immobile catatonic schizophrenic').#**

Another kind of person (a C type? Or A~/J~ to C/S~ type?) will progress more slowly through a more general anxiety, introversion and 'nervous breakdown' (?) stage at J, through G~-R~ (withdrawal), and/or paranoid (and delusive) stage at R~C, and/or catatonic stage at C/C-S~(?), among others; which of these stages predominates depending perhaps on the type of the victim.#***

*[Redbook5:156-160][19880615:1642b]{Schizophrenia and Manic Depression (1)}[15th June 1988]ff; & [Redbook5:162-163][19880615:1642g]{Schizophrenia & Manic Depression (2)}[15th June 1988]

**cf E[ncyclopaedia ]B[ritannica], ibid [(15th Ed).XV.963ff,]

***ref [[Redbook5:156-160][19880615:1642b]{Schizophrenia and Manic Depression (1)}[15th June 1988]] p156 (cutting) [main points summarised, but cutting is not in ts]

****cf Mandelbrot snowman

#(I don't think lower-case letters mean inner circle, here) <891010>
[At some point lower case came to be used to designate Inner Circle, upper case Outer Circle.]

#*[At some point depression came to be considered more typical of the M~ area]

#**ref [[Redbook5:158-159][19880615:1642d]{Schizophrenia and Manic Depression (1) [continued (3)]}[15th June 1988]] 158;
& cf [[Redbook5:156-160][19880615:1642b]{Schizophrenia and Manic Depression (1)}[15th June 1988], fn#]

#***{Interesting, that a particular interest in Schizophrenia has twice#**** occurred, at the two times when I believed myself to be at R~ (first Outer, then Inner). & compare [[Redbook5:173][19880618:2242]{'He is dying.'}[18th June 1988]] p173 with I.[##] 260 (Poem [sic]), when I believe I was at or near the 'Lucifer' Turning point S~-C (T.VI) from Formative Circle to Outer Circle – the only other point near to R~. (I had##* recently concluded that I was near-mad at times at Cambridge.)}

#****[Not clear when the first occasion was, but perhaps just after [Redbook2:372[19850923:0048c]{The Man Made of Glass}[23rd September 1985], where the original Times cutting was inserted, and into III (e.g [Redbook3:15-16][19860907:0612j]{A Dream: [(6)] of Madness}[7th September 1986]. The second occasion was presumably from about [Redbook4:225-229][19871214:2010c]{Schizophrenia (1)}[14th December 1987] up to and including the present entry.]

##[There does not appear to be a poem inserted at I.260, but this could refer to the insert at [Redbook1:259A-G][19720628:0000][Running Dream][28th June 1972]; more likely, [Redbook1:265A,297A-I;2:1A-1G][19730501:0000][The Wind, the Edge of the Sea, and Fusion Child][To 1st May 1973]]



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