Wednesday 6 June 2018

{Schizophrenia and Manic Depression (1) [continued (3)]}[15th June 1988]

[Redbook5:158-159][19880615:1642d]{Schizophrenia and Manic Depression (1) [continued (3)]}[15th June 1988]


[A photocopied excerpt, presumably from E[ncyclopaedia ]B[ritannica] [(15th Ed)].XV.963ff, summarising Affective psychosis including manic-depressive psychosis and psychotic depression, is inserted in the ms here. Subsequent notes (*) refer to sections of that excerpt.]

Arieti** believed that the patient had a childhood trauma when he was carried from an environment characterised by great parental care and devotion into an atmosphere of great expectation. To recapture what he has lost, he becomes dependent and claiming, or duty bound, compliant and hard working. Later in life any loss re-activates the earlier experience of loss. (This seems to be possibly appropriate to schizophrenia – cf II.end (cutting).***

The psychosis**** occurs more frequently in those cultures that have been called inner-directed, and tends to disappear where this culture is disappearing.# E.g. the Hutterites,#* a German ethnic minority in Dakota and Montana, are held to be an inner-directed culture and have 4.33 times more manic depression than schizophrenia, contrary to experience elsewhere.#**

Electric shock treatment seems to be almost always successful, against depression but only temporarily; and not against manic attacks. Drugs are also commonly used against depression.

*[The individual says that he is unhappy because he is sick, is destitute, has lost all his money, has sinned, is guilty, is worthless, is a failure, etc.] Presumably delusory! This strikes me as explicable in terms of the man at (and possibly successful in terms of) A~, 'unconsciously' aware of his distance from C, and trying to explain it in the terms he knows best – mostly, those of A~, which he is rejecting.
[Manic-depressive psychosis: periods of depression followed by manic attacks in which the person becomes excited; the mood often is one of elation (euphoria):] cf. Mk+ in [2].
[He may change to sarcasm, irritation and hostility:] cf. Anger, at A~; & now accepting A~'s terms.
[He may consider himself rich, strong and very healthy and make grandiose plans; he may dissipate large amounts of money in a few days:] & cf behaviour of tycoons (ref. IV. [[Redbook4:275-276][19880101:2330b]{Low Finance}[1st January 1988]]) – But also, getting rid of obstructive wealth?
[The most typical form of the psychosis is circular, being characterised by an alternation of manic and depressed episodes:] NB. cf T.X.
[The first attack may occur any time between adolescence and the age of 45:] i.e. Broad 'middle' life? (Bottom of circle)?

**[See last previous entry.]

***[Post [Redbook2:372[19850923:0048c]{The Man Made of Glass}[23rd September 1985]], end (cutting) [Inserted near the end of Vol II, at p374A, but not in the typescript. There is no entry between the end of Vol. II at [Redbook2:372[19850923:0048c]{The Man Made of Glass}[23rd September 1985] (but see the footnote there) and the start of Vol III at [Redbook3:1-5][19860325:0153] {TRUTH} [25th March 1986] [Also referred to at [Redbook4:230-232][19871215:2232]{Schizophrenia (2)}[15th December 1987]]

****[Affective psychosis including manic-depressive psychosis and psychotic depression]

#Presumably, they become urban schizophrenics! (cf [[Redbook5:156-160][19880615:1642b]{Schizophrenia and Manic Depression (1)}[15th June 1988]] 156)

#*An Anabaptist-type sect practising collective farming and isolation from the rest of the World. <891010>

#**cf 'Introversion' at J~ (but [[Redbook5:136-137][19880606:0955c]{Personality Indicators [continued]}[6th June 1988]] 136-7.
Why? – See [[Redbook5:162-163][19880615:1642#]{Schizophrenia and Manic Depression (2)}[15th June 1988]] 162-3? <891010>



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