Sunday 3 June 2018

{Schizophrenia and Manic Depression (1)}[15th June 1988]

[Redbook5:156-160][19880615:1642b]{Schizophrenia and Manic Depression (1)}[15th June 1988]


Schizophrenia is, in 'developed' lands, more prevalent* among:
the unmarried[,]
those of low social status,***
people who belong to ethnic minorities,
and those living in large cities.
The 'split mind' ('Schizophrenia', Greek) is, according to E[ncyclopaedia ]B[ritannica] split from the outside world (i.e. not from itself)**** by disturbances of thinking and feeling.

[A photocopied excerpt, presumably from E[ncyclopaedia ]B[ritannica] [(15th Ed)].XV.963ff, summarising four major types and three other types of schizophrenia, is inserted in the ms here. Subsequent notes (#) refer to sections of that excerpt.]

It sometimes begins with a 'Prodromal phase, characterised by#* hypochondriacal symptoms, introversion, restlessness, depersonalisation and abnormal pre-occupation. The change in personality can be slow or abrupt and is followed by overt signs of psychosis in which the intensity and quality of symptoms becomes manifestly abnormal. Symptoms next tend to diminish in intensity and may finally disappear (go into remission). In chronic cases the abnormal signs tend to become less acute, but there is gradual deterioration.'#**

*E[ncyclopaedia ]B[ritannica] [(15th Ed)].XV.963

**cf II [Post [Redbook2:372[19850923:0048c]{The Man Made of Glass}[23rd September 1985]], end (cutting) [Inserted near the end of Vol II, at p374A, but not in the typescript. There is no entry between the end of Vol. II at [Redbook2:372[19850923:0048c]{The Man Made of Glass}[23rd September 1985] (but see the footnote there) and the start of Vol III at [Redbook3:1-5][19860325:0153] {TRUTH} [25th March 1986] [Also referred to at [Redbook4:230-232][19871215:2232]{Schizophrenia (2)}[15th December 1987]]

***IV. {[[Redbook4:225-229][19871214:2010c]{Schizophrenia (1)}[14th December 1987] ] 225,
[[Redbook4:230-232][19871215:2232]{Schizophrenia (2)}[15th December 1987],] 230,
[[Redbook4:244-245][19871220:0000]{Schizophrenia (3)}[20th December 1987] ] 244}

****I suggest that the common perception of the mind as being split from itself has some value.

#[(1) The simple type:] G~-R# sector?
This sounds a little like someone going into (or moving towards going into) a monastery – which might well happen through the same degrees (cf [[Redbook5:156-160][19880615:1642b]{Schizophrenia and Manic Depression (1)}[15th June 1988],] 160). I place 'Mysticism' at R~, in relation to pure Science at A~. (cf. N[ew ]S[cientist] submission 11/6/88) (cf [op cit] 160). Also like me coming here [to CH].
[(2) The hebephrenic type:]
[(3) The catatonic type:] C/Over the top to S~? (cf. xA at end of [2] – at party – talking of effect of alcohol.
[(4) The paranoid type (including bizarre delusions,e.g. of being a great person:] R~-C sector? He is! But cf +C; Aquarius.
[(5) Schizo-affective schizophrenia:]
[(6) Undifferentiated schizophrenia:] Mis-identifications occur: Capgras' syndrome: Victim will claim someone well known to him is an imposter or double. (E[ncyclopaedia ]B[ritannica]: e.g. his mother).
[(7) Pseudoneurotic schizophrenia:]

[Hallucinatory signs:]
[The individual reporting “voices” that no one else seems to hear:] cf. Mediums at R~?
[Visual hallucinating:] cf Prophets or Seers at S~? { – No -J~-R~ (See VI. [] 255}
[Abnormal bodily perceptions (e.g. a depersonalised feeling that one's arm does not belong to him. [sic]] cf T.XIII, at R~.

#*J~-G~ sector?

#**C/A~ onwards? (Outer Circle – assuming no Transformation to Inner Circle).

#***cf. [[Redbook5:136-137][19880606:0955c]{Personality Indicators [continued]}[6th June 1988]] 136-137 re Extraversion/Introversion.



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