Sunday 3 June 2018

{Concepts of Psychology}[15th June 1988]

[Redbook5:154-155][19880615:1314b]{Concepts of Psychology}[15th June 1988]


*The Philosophical aspect of Psychology can be similarly** fitted (as earlier:)







(i.e. emotionally)


#*But it would be more consistent with the Jungian personality indicators[:]






Once again, inconsistencies in the use of words cause problems – so much depends on the relationships within pairs and the context and use of the word.

C is cerebral. A is Manufactoral: so it might make sense to place Perception at A, Thinking (or Judgement) at C. But Perception is not necessarily sensory, and thinking (or judgement in the sense 'he shows good judgement') is the means by which we comprehend, i.e. grasp, and involve ourselves with[,]#*** the World on our terms. So now it makes sense to place Perception at C, Thinking (or Judgement) at A.

There is an ambiguity at C: +C (the fictional archetype) has eyes which 'comprehend all, and make no judgement'#**** – but by the reflection of their omniscience [sic], judgement occurs in the Individual, of himself. But this is not judgement in the sense used above: it is actually judicial: self-judgement. It is the final stage in a process which first became overtly noticeable with Introversion at J~; if Extraversion may follow immediately,## that is because whether the Individual returns on the Inner Circle or proceeds on the Outer Circle, he is still to an extent renewed, cleaned I suppose, by the developments culminating in Perception at C.

I guess that all these psychological factors etc. are likely to be more noticeable on the Outer Circle than on the Inner Circle.
I'm amazed that the E[ncyclopaedia ]B[ritannica] article on Psychology, admittedly brief, mentions Freud once but never mentions Jung at all.##*

*per E[ncyclopaedia ]B[ritannica] [(15th Ed)] XXVI, 324ff)

**[See last previous entry.]

***NB cf IV [[Redbook4:120-122][19871007:2330]{Learning}[7th October 1987],] 120 re 'learning' around A~ quadrant.

****cf [[Redbook5:135-139][19880606:0955b]{Personality Indicators}[6th June 1988],] 137

#BUT cf [[Redbook5:135-139][19880606:0955b]{Personality Indicators}[6th June 1988],] 136

#*ref [[Redbook5:135-139][19880606:0955b]{Personality Indicators}[6th June 1988],] 136 (top)



#****[[0], possibly early draft]

##{(On the Outer Circle)}

##*But see E[ncyclopaedia ]B[ritannica] [(15th Ed)].XV.496f 'Personality' (& [[Redbook5:139][19880606:0955g]{Personality Indicators [continued (6)]}[6th June 1988], FOOTNOTE] p139 footnote)
(Why?) <880617>


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