Sunday 17 June 2018

{Inner Truth: Love [continued (5)]}[17th June 1988]

[Redbook5:167][19880617:1949f]{Inner Truth: Love [continued (5)]}[17th June 1988]


In summary:*

(1)(a) the nature of the external object appears uncertain primarily because of the relationship between its properties and the properties of Mankind, the subject,** and only secondarily because of differences between individual Men;
but [(1)](b) the nature of the inner object or quality appears uncertain primarily because of differences between individual Men, **** and only secondarily (if at all) to [sic]# the relationship between it and Mankind, the subject.**

(2)(a) the existence (or truth) of the external object is uncertain because if it exists, it exists independently of our perception of it, and our perception of it may conversely exist independently of the object;#*

but [(2)](b) the existence (or truth) of the inner object or quality is certain once perceived, because it cannot exist except by our perception of it.#**

*[See last 4 previous entries, [Redbook5:165-170][19880617:1949b]{Inner Truth: Love}[17th June 1988]ff.]

**[i.e. as opposed to the object, presumably.]

***I think I have reached this point before. [Probably [Redbook3:118-131][19870405:1057](BELIEF AND KNOWLEDGE{1})[5th April 1987]ff, &seq]

****cf [[Redbook5:202-205][19880702:0914#]{God at the Centre}[2nd July 1988],] 203

#[presumably should be 'because of']

#*This seems doubtful. <891010> [– unless, presumably, what is meant by ‘perception’ here is the process of thinking we perceive. <20180617>]

#**This is wrong: it can exist independently of our perception of it – this has been confused with the undeniability of its existence once identified. <891010> [cf [Redbook3:118-131][19870405:1057](BELIEF AND KNOWLEDGE{1})[5th April 1987]ff, &seq]
cf. III. [[Redbook3:188-189][19870414:1003f](BELIEF AND KNOWLEDGE (2) [continued(6)])[14th April 1987]f] 189.



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