Friday 28 October 2016

{The Soul}[3rd October 1987]

[Redbook4:89-90][19871003:1650f]{The Soul}[3rd October 1987]


If Men and Angels have Souls* as well as Spirits, and God has (and is) the Spirit,** does God have a Soul? Yes, I think so: and I think it is the Soul formed from and of the Souls brought back by the Spirit from the Separation to God, without stain. If God the Holy Ghost is the Spirit, the One; and God the Father*** is perhaps the Totality, the All, as it were the Body of God; then God the Son may be the Soul, which is perhaps what is meant by saying that Christ takes on the sins (or sufferings) of the World.****

Preoccupied with causation, we may see ourselves as helping to form the Soul, even the Quality of God; but from the highest plane, without Time, causation is not so simple.#

*[See last previous entry but one, [Redbook4:87-88][19871003:1650d]{Souls}[3rd October 1987].]

**[[Redbook4:86][19871003:1650b]{Spirits}[3rd October 1987]]

***[In the Christian Trinitarian view. The writer of this Journal tends perhaps more to a Unitarian view. <20160831>]

****No – see later; e.g. D.O.S. 8908c. <891001> [D.O.S. is probably a reference to “Descent of the Spirit”, a collection of notes for a book or work which has not been completed. <20160831>]

[cf. [Redbook4:88-89][19871003:1650e]{Men and Animals}[3rd October 1987], final footnote.]


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