Saturday 1 October 2016

{Evil at Hungerford [continued(3)] – Anger}[21st August 1987]

[Redbook4:69][19870821:1020c]{Evil at Hungerford [continued(3)] – Anger}[21st August 1987]


Anger is well placed (not by me: by the order of Vices) at the extreme point of Separation in the Circles – Distraction – because it is the only one of the active Vices (i.e. those on or below the horizontal line)* which is not** directed towards the achievement of a particular end:*** (it might be simply to restore a balance; I am not sure). Anger is the expression of pure Spiritual Separation, of pure Evil; this is one reason why the concept of Righteous Anger is so dangerous. (I recall that my own angriest moments have arisen out of the stress in the black depths of Distraction, e.g. during our 'self-' employment in London: terrifying, almost uncontrollable anger over ridiculous things.)

If I recall rightly, the children on Savernake**** said to the lady who found them: 'A man in black [has] shot our Mummy'; but all witnesses have said that he was wearing a camouflage jacket, i.e. shades of green#*. Whatever the reason for this image – even if it is only within my own recollection# – it once again symbolises the nature of the phenomenon:#** the gunman in black, the dark lord, is the symbol of extreme Separation on the Outer Circle, and thus of extreme spiritual Evil; but on the Inner Circle is Diversity, through whom we all must pass, perhaps the symbol of Separation within the Light of the Spirit: or at least I hope so, for his statuette stands on my dining-room window-ledge.#***

*cf.[[Redbook4:65][19870820:1800x]{Passive and Active [Virtues and] Vices}[20th August 1987]] p.65.


***{cf. [[Redbook4:197-8][19871206:1235#]{Virtues and Vices (3)}[6th December 1987],]198.}

****[Forest. The children were aged 4 and 2.]

#[No; see But Ryan might have been standing against the light.]

#*U.S style? i.e. dark green?


#***Now in the living-room fireplace.... <891001>
Here at [AC], relegated to [outside] the back door, and getting rather rusty. <930425>



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