Wednesday 26 October 2016

{Souls}[3rd October 1987]

[Redbook4:87-88][19871003:1650d]{Souls}[3rd October 1987]


*If the Spirit of God, whether a Free** Spirit of the Spiritual Realm – an Angel – or a Captive Spirit of the Material World – a Man – is at (or from) the highest plane indistinguishable from God the Spirit,*** it follows that all Spirits are in themselves identical. What differentiates Angels from each other, and Men (in their essence) from each other? The answer is their Souls****.

Angels, like Men, have# Souls which reflect their different qualities: the difference, I suspect, is that the Souls of Angels are given to them ab initio pretty much pre-formed, created with the qualities the Angel is to possess, and evolve little thereafter, if at all; whereas I suspect that the Souls of Men are given to them with little if any pre-programmed#* individual qualities, and are allowed to evolve differently from each other under the influence of heredity, environment, the Self, etc., etc..

*See [[Redbook4:78-81][19871002:2245c]{Spiritual Fusion}[2nd October 1987]]p.79.

**[Presumably in the sense: unembodied, or not incarnate, in this context.]

***[See last entry but one, [Redbook4:86][19871003:1650b]{Spirits}[3rd October 1987].]

****[The term “Souls” here is I think (like the term “God” throughout) used in a rather different sense to those common in religions, or at least in traditional Christianity, albeit having evolved from them. If the response to the final sentence of the first paragraph of this entry is to ask: “What is a Soul?”, the answer might be to turn that sentence and its immediate predecessor around: the Soul is what differentiates Angels from each other, and Men (in their essence) from each other, i.e. an information structure dependent for its continued existence within the physical Universe on material support (even if only as structured energy), but having, at least within its own terms of reference and existence, independent reality (as to which see the extensive notes on Belief and Knowledge, etc., in Volume III).. <20160831>]

#(I presume)

#*[Clearly not referring to genes here, as the reference to heredity later in the sentence makes clear, but perhaps to the underlying information-carrier...? <20160829>]


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