Thursday 13 October 2016

{“[0]”: Original vision [continued]}[23rd August 1987]

[Redbook4:76-77][19870823:2220b]{“[0]”: Original vision [continued]}[23rd August 1987]


Already,* though, it is possible to see a simpler and healthier '[0]' emerging – less bloated, more natural. So far as the 4 Archetypes are concerned, they (or at least +M and +K) also emerge as more natural, less forceful, even (in +K's case) more confused and confusing – less aware of their futures, as is proper given that most of [0] occurs before their 'fusion' or awakening to their roles.

'[2]' has given me the confidence to do this – not just confidence in the Archetypes themselves to 'speak' for 'themselves', but confidence in my own ability to provide a statement at any time, as '[2]' does for its time of writing, so that '[0]' need only speak for its time of writing, not (as I have tended to assume in successive amendments) for all time: i.e. I am allowed to be wrong then (and now).

Next step: [1].

*[See last previous entry.]

On 198709[...] our son [s] was born. <871003>


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