Tuesday 25 October 2016

{Spirits [continued]}[3rd October 1987]

[Redbook4:87][19871003:1650c]{Spirits [continued]}[3rd October 1987]


In our sub-created Middle Zone, we have borrowed the term 'spirit' to describe the moods to which we are subject (at least in English), and which may indeed be influenced by Spirits of God, or by our positions in the Circles, our own natures, what we have eaten and drunk, etc.: hence, “high spirits”, “low spirits”, “good spirits”, and even “evil spirits”.**

In earlier times, Michael Ryan, of the Hungerford Massacre,*** might have been thought to have been taken over by an independent “Evil Spirit” over which he had no control. I do not think that is correct – any more than that he (or I) could have been taken over by a “Good Spirit” against his will. But I have an idea that the Spirits of God which we call Angels represent different Circle positions and their qualities, and that Ryan may have been by nature, nurture or other factors predisposed to focus the influence of particular such qualities**** into himself.

The qualities, and hence the Angels, are not “Evil Spirits”: they represent a degree of separation from God# which is necessary to the functioning of the Spiritual Realm and the Material World. But to us they may seem evil, as they can give rise to evil spirits in us, if we invoke them in that way.#*

These moods in our middle zone are spelt (by me at least) as spirits with a small initial “s”.#**

*[See last previous entry.]

**& alcoholic spirits.... <871003>

***{See [[Redbook4:67-70][19870821:1020]{Evil at Hungerford}[21st August 1987]]p.67.}

****attributes <891001>

#{But 'Evil is a degree of separation from God....'} [per xS in [2].]

#*{cf. [[Redbook4:92-93][19871004:0910b]{Evil Spirits in Men}[4rd October 1987]]92}
{See [[Redbook4:98][19871005:0940]{-- Good Spirits, evil spirits, and Men}[5th October 1987]]98}

#**[cf. last previous entry (ref. final sentence).]


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