Monday 31 October 2016

{The Appearance of Angels}[3rd October 1987]

[Redbook4:91][19871003:2220]{The Appearance of Angels}[3rd October 1987]


I meant to add* that if I were to see an Angel, I should expect on the Spiritual Plane to see a pure Light – the Spirit – illuminating from within a cloud of more or less {translucent}** and possibly (faintly) coloured form*** following [sic] around it – the Soul.

On the Material Plane, I should expect to see a Human body, whether of Saint or Angel, but showing distinct traces of the same illumination (and possibly colour) from within through**** the skin, and especially in the eyes. And this is, indeed, how I have seen them for many years, with the Inner vision and occasionally, so it seemed, with the outer – but who can tell?#

*[See last previous entries, [Redbook4:85-86][19871003:1650]{Angels}[3rd October 1987]ff.]

**[Original ms has “opaque” and a marginal note: “I meant translucent <891001>”.
But cf. [Redbook4:97][19871005:0940]{The Dynamic Independence of Angels}[5th October 1987], 1st para..]

***generally the form of Man, I think.

****[Through, not of, NB; this is refracted, not reflected, light.]

#(i.e. Who can tell to what extent the outer vision is affected by the inner?)


Sunday 30 October 2016

{Circles of the Spirit}[3rd October 1987]

[Redbook4:90-91][19871003:1650h]{Circles of the Spirit}[3rd October 1987]


The relationship of the Spirit*, the Soul** and the Body – as of the Holy Ghost, God the Son, and God the Father*** – is, I think, the relationship of the Centre Point to the Inner and Outer Circles:

[The text "Concentric Circles" is not in the ms but has been picked up by Blogger from the diagram file.]

In both cases, the Spirit is the Centre. The Soul is of the Inner Circle, which is the Circle of the Son, or Christ – it can only be gained at the Christ-point on the Circles, through Love. The Body is of the Outer Circle, which is the Circle of the Father, or Totality, on which we all find ourselves. Just to confuse things, although the Material World is also of the Outer Circle, the Spiritual Realm is, I guess, of the Inner Circle, the Centre being God, the One. Possibly the Middle Zone**** is in that #area


Outer Circle
Material World

(Middle Zone?)

Inner Circle
Spiritual Realm

(Spiritual Kingdom?)

Center Point
The One
Holy Ghost

The relationships with positions on the Circles are not easily comprehended.

*[See [Redbook4:86][19871003:1650b]{Spirits}[3rd October 1987].]

**[See [Redbook4:87-88][19871003:1650d]{Souls}[3rd October 1987].]

***[See last previous entry but one, [Redbook4:89-90][19871003:1650f]{The Soul}[3rd October 1987], & Footnote*** to that entry.]

****[See [Redbook4:85-86][19871003:1650]{Angels}[3rd October 1987]; &
[Redbook4:87][19871003:1650c]{Spirits [continued]}[3rd October 1987].]


#*{But see V.
& D.O.S. 8908c.}
[D.O.S. is probably a reference to “Descent of the Spirit”, a collection of notes for a book or work which has not been completed. <20160831>]


Saturday 29 October 2016

{Suffering and Existence}[3rd October 1987]

[Redbook4:90][19871003:1650g]{Suffering and Existence}[3rd October 1987]


A lot of this* sprang from the question{,} many years ago: how can God allow Human suffering, if he is the God of Love? The only possible answer that I could see is that when the sufferers reach God, they as it were 'forgive' (or understand)** their experiences because the experiences are seen as a form of illusion in the light of the reality that is their Union with God. From that followed the question: Why does this happen at all? As God was the only pre-existent factor, the answer had to be found within God and the Quality of God.

*[See last six previous entries, from [Redbook4:85-86][19871003:1650]{Angels}[3rd October 1987], &c.]

**There is an implication that Love, Understanding, and Forgiveness are at root all one Quality – Wisdom as well perhaps; the Quality being Love. <930429>


Friday 28 October 2016

{The Soul}[3rd October 1987]

[Redbook4:89-90][19871003:1650f]{The Soul}[3rd October 1987]


If Men and Angels have Souls* as well as Spirits, and God has (and is) the Spirit,** does God have a Soul? Yes, I think so: and I think it is the Soul formed from and of the Souls brought back by the Spirit from the Separation to God, without stain. If God the Holy Ghost is the Spirit, the One; and God the Father*** is perhaps the Totality, the All, as it were the Body of God; then God the Son may be the Soul, which is perhaps what is meant by saying that Christ takes on the sins (or sufferings) of the World.****

Preoccupied with causation, we may see ourselves as helping to form the Soul, even the Quality of God; but from the highest plane, without Time, causation is not so simple.#

*[See last previous entry but one, [Redbook4:87-88][19871003:1650d]{Souls}[3rd October 1987].]

**[[Redbook4:86][19871003:1650b]{Spirits}[3rd October 1987]]

***[In the Christian Trinitarian view. The writer of this Journal tends perhaps more to a Unitarian view. <20160831>]

****No – see later; e.g. D.O.S. 8908c. <891001> [D.O.S. is probably a reference to “Descent of the Spirit”, a collection of notes for a book or work which has not been completed. <20160831>]

[cf. [Redbook4:88-89][19871003:1650e]{Men and Animals}[3rd October 1987], final footnote.]


Wednesday 26 October 2016

{Men and Animals}[3rd October 1987]

[Redbook4:88-89][19871003:1650e]{Men and Animals}[3rd October 1987]


This* raises the interesting question of how Animals differ from Men. Given that Animals are capable of having individual characters of a mental or behavioural kind, it is conceivable that they also have something analogous to a Soul**; or, on the other hand, that their behavioural differences are purely 'mechanical' in the sense that they are due to the differing influences of the Material World. It does not matter all that much, because I am fairly certain that no Animal has the Spirit of God within him as do*** Angels and Men.****

Since it is the Spirit which knows God and in due course returns to God, leaving the Soul around it, it follows that Animals do not “go to Heaven”. I am fairly certain about this absence of the separated Spirit of God in Animals (not to be confused with the immanent presence of God# hidden*** in and pervading all things material), because a sure sign of the Spirit of God in men (as in Angels) is an interest in God – in worshipping God, or discussing the existence or otherwise of god, for example – provoked by the recognition of the Spirit within.

So far as I know, no animal has ever shown the slightest sign of worshipping God#* or even being an atheist: so far as I know, all Human societies have had some form of supreme God in their mind's eye, even if the opposing forces are sometimes given equal status.

The existence of Individuals who profess atheism does not avoid this argument, as the occurrence of the question itself is enough. If we were to encounter a race of animals or aliens who recognised the possibility of God, I think we should do well to consider them Human.

*[See last previous entry.]
[This entry is not an argument against the scientific description of Man as an Animal, which is accepted. It might make it easier if one were to mentally insert the word “other” in front of “animals” wherever it occurs.]

**[See footnote **** to last previoue entry.]

***[{Underlining} added later.]

****But (see VI.217) in some other way, as e.g. p89 [in this entry at #.]

#Yes – the Spirit, more or less veiled. <891001>

#*It would serve me right if we found that what we had thought were territorial markings by dogs and cats were in fact sacrifices to nature-spirits.... <871003>

[I suspect that this analysis is affected by its viewpoint inside the Universe. From the viewpoint of “God”, outside this Universe of time and place, it may be that as all things exist in a Moment, there is no question of anyone or any thing “going to Heaven”: from that extra-universal viewpoint, each creature (that is, each created entity, however created) is to some individual extent, or none, “in Heaven”, i.e. with (God) the Spirit, in that one Moment, depending on the degree of separation of its essence, information structure, mind or “Soul” from the Spirit (of God). That does not in itself invalidate our intra-universal points of view: it is, at the end of the day, all a question of perspective. Cf. next entry, final sentence.<20160831>]


{Souls}[3rd October 1987]

[Redbook4:87-88][19871003:1650d]{Souls}[3rd October 1987]


*If the Spirit of God, whether a Free** Spirit of the Spiritual Realm – an Angel – or a Captive Spirit of the Material World – a Man – is at (or from) the highest plane indistinguishable from God the Spirit,*** it follows that all Spirits are in themselves identical. What differentiates Angels from each other, and Men (in their essence) from each other? The answer is their Souls****.

Angels, like Men, have# Souls which reflect their different qualities: the difference, I suspect, is that the Souls of Angels are given to them ab initio pretty much pre-formed, created with the qualities the Angel is to possess, and evolve little thereafter, if at all; whereas I suspect that the Souls of Men are given to them with little if any pre-programmed#* individual qualities, and are allowed to evolve differently from each other under the influence of heredity, environment, the Self, etc., etc..

*See [[Redbook4:78-81][19871002:2245c]{Spiritual Fusion}[2nd October 1987]]p.79.

**[Presumably in the sense: unembodied, or not incarnate, in this context.]

***[See last entry but one, [Redbook4:86][19871003:1650b]{Spirits}[3rd October 1987].]

****[The term “Souls” here is I think (like the term “God” throughout) used in a rather different sense to those common in religions, or at least in traditional Christianity, albeit having evolved from them. If the response to the final sentence of the first paragraph of this entry is to ask: “What is a Soul?”, the answer might be to turn that sentence and its immediate predecessor around: the Soul is what differentiates Angels from each other, and Men (in their essence) from each other, i.e. an information structure dependent for its continued existence within the physical Universe on material support (even if only as structured energy), but having, at least within its own terms of reference and existence, independent reality (as to which see the extensive notes on Belief and Knowledge, etc., in Volume III).. <20160831>]

#(I presume)

#*[Clearly not referring to genes here, as the reference to heredity later in the sentence makes clear, but perhaps to the underlying information-carrier...? <20160829>]


Tuesday 25 October 2016

{Spirits [continued]}[3rd October 1987]

[Redbook4:87][19871003:1650c]{Spirits [continued]}[3rd October 1987]


In our sub-created Middle Zone, we have borrowed the term 'spirit' to describe the moods to which we are subject (at least in English), and which may indeed be influenced by Spirits of God, or by our positions in the Circles, our own natures, what we have eaten and drunk, etc.: hence, “high spirits”, “low spirits”, “good spirits”, and even “evil spirits”.**

In earlier times, Michael Ryan, of the Hungerford Massacre,*** might have been thought to have been taken over by an independent “Evil Spirit” over which he had no control. I do not think that is correct – any more than that he (or I) could have been taken over by a “Good Spirit” against his will. But I have an idea that the Spirits of God which we call Angels represent different Circle positions and their qualities, and that Ryan may have been by nature, nurture or other factors predisposed to focus the influence of particular such qualities**** into himself.

The qualities, and hence the Angels, are not “Evil Spirits”: they represent a degree of separation from God# which is necessary to the functioning of the Spiritual Realm and the Material World. But to us they may seem evil, as they can give rise to evil spirits in us, if we invoke them in that way.#*

These moods in our middle zone are spelt (by me at least) as spirits with a small initial “s”.#**

*[See last previous entry.]

**& alcoholic spirits.... <871003>

***{See [[Redbook4:67-70][19870821:1020]{Evil at Hungerford}[21st August 1987]]p.67.}

****attributes <891001>

#{But 'Evil is a degree of separation from God....'} [per xS in [2].]

#*{cf. [[Redbook4:92-93][19871004:0910b]{Evil Spirits in Men}[4rd October 1987]]92}
{See [[Redbook4:98][19871005:0940]{-- Good Spirits, evil spirits, and Men}[5th October 1987]]98}

#**[cf. last previous entry (ref. final sentence).]


Monday 24 October 2016

{Spirits}[3rd October 1987]

[Redbook4:86][19871003:1650b]{Spirits}[3rd October 1987]


This* is why I have difficulty with the description 'Evil Spirit' in the sense of something opposed to God. Opposed to Christ, yes; separated to a greater degree from God, yes; but not opposed to God, exactly. Some of this problem can be resolved by considering different uses of the word “spirit”.

God is The Spirit: God the Spirit. That is the first plane.

An Angel is a Spirit: a Spirit of God, as seen from below**; but as seen from above, that Spirit which is *** an Angel is the Spirit of God, which is from the first plane indistinguishable from God the Spirit. That is the second plane, the Spiritual Realm: only separation [sic] distinguishes the Spirit of God from God the Spirit.

A Man also (on the Third Plane, the Material World) contains a Spirit which is the Spirit of God, and on the highest plane indistinguishable from God the Spirit.

All these manifestations of the Spirit are spelt (by me at least) with a capital “S”.

*[See last previous entry.]

**[from below that second plane (in which case how do things seem as seen from that second plane); or from below the first plane? <20160829>]

***(in)? <930429>



Sunday 23 October 2016

{Angels}[3rd October 1987]

[Redbook4:85-86][19871003:1650]{Angels}[3rd October 1987]


I use the term 'Angels' above (p.78)* as shorthand for the inhabitants of the Spiritual Kingdom or Realm (other than God): this category also, of course, overlaps with those above** and below it, as it may be possible for Individuals to inhabit and be active upon more than one 'level'. Nevertheless even if they should chance to inhabit a physical body in the Material World, Angels are in essence Beings of pure Spirit; as indeed are Saints, in a different fashion, to the extent that they move solely upon the Inner Circle.*** Man has, uniquely (I suspect) among created or evolved Beings, sub-created a Middle (or Mental) Zone of his own**** which is between the Material World and the Spiritual World, and touches both of them.

So I am not using 'Angels' here to mean specifically messengers#, as has been meant, or Agents; although it is arguable that any Spirit cannot help but have this function as Messenger or Agent of God, according to its own quality. It is arguable: I tend to want to use the term “Spiritual Realm” when I consider it as a plane of existence, and “Spiritual Kingdom” when I consider it as an hierarchical structure. It is likely that without the parameters of the Material World, #*Spirits are exposed to the knowledge of God which makes them God's willing Agents and Messengers – one way or another.#*

* [[Redbook4:78-81][19871002:2245c]{Spiritual Fusion}[2nd October 1987].]

**Above? <930429> [God? – noting that in these journals the meaning of God appears to be deliberately undetermined. <20161023-24>]

***unlike me.

****As I am doing? <871003>

#[but cf. [Redbook4:97][19871005:0940]{The Dynamic Independence of Angels}[5th October 1987] (end).]

#*Some infant interruptions here <871003> [i.e. between the points marked #*.]


Saturday 22 October 2016

{Repentance, Return and Re-formation}[3rd October 1987]

[Redbook4:84-85][19871003:1202c]{Repentance, Return and Re-formation}[3rd October 1987]


Thinking about Sir Alfred Sherman's comments on the young S.S. men* – which seemed to have aroused as much fury as I thought Rachel's ultimate remarks in [2] might if ever they were published – it occurred to me with astonishment that his view{,} and Rachel's{,} {were}** similar to the reforming view of sentencing, which I have not held any particular views for or against*** but which on the whole the Left (who hate Sherman) support.

(I have had sympathy for the victims who argue that they should receive support {at least} as much as the criminal – but this is, or should be, an argument about the allocation of resources, not about methods of dealing with crime.)

But of course, the implications of the Circles, and of Christianity itself, are that reform is crucial in this life if 'punishment' (by destruction) is not to follow after Death (and to an extent before Death also). So convicted criminals – and we need to be sure that their crime really is a moral crime, i.e. an act of Separation staining the Soul – should be assisted to a genuine repentance and return, for the sake of their future life.

One aspect emerging is the tendency for the pattern of Circles to progress continuously before and after Death. The fact that repentance has positive consequences, and lack of this “returning” has negative consequences, both before and after Death, is a part of this continuum.

*(He had, if I recall correctly, blamed the Nazis for corrupting these youngsters into the S.S..) 
[Sherman, like Rachel, was Jewish, at least by birth, giving their comments an arguably different nuance than if made by Gentiles; although the actual and the fictional individual could in other respects hardly be more different. <20161021>]

**[Originally 'was'.]
***Basically, I believe in reform if it works, bringing about a genuine change of heart.


Friday 21 October 2016

{The Union Jack [continued]}[3rd October 1987]

[Redbook4:83][19871003:1202b]{The Union Jack [continued]}[3rd October 1987]


Diagonals may offer a better* analysis, e.g.:



but, on the other hand, national symbols from the Royal Standard and other flags fit more happily like this:



(3 Leopards)




or even this:


(3 Leopards)





The whole thing is fraught with difficulties! On the whole I think (d) makes more sense than the others.

*[See last previous entry, & for (a) - (b).]


Thursday 20 October 2016

{The Union Jack}[3rd October 1987]

[Redbook4:82-83][19871003:1202]{The Union Jack}[3rd October 1987]


One of the considerations leading up to Circle theories (and there were many – including, as should be apparent from yesterday's entry*, Science Fiction –) was what might even more pompously be described as a meditation on the National Flag – the Union Jack. (This may have arisen from a remark of my father's, many years ago, that the Union Jack was one of the few dynamic national flags around – another being Japan's Rising Sun.) I tried to fit the four nations of the British Isles and of the Royal Standard into the Cardinal Archetypes (the diagonals having not then appeared, I think), ending up with something like this:







or this:






[or (b2)]**

but in fact the only one I am reasonably happy with is Wales.

These patterns can only describe the relationship of the four nations to each other within the Isles, i.e. not their relationships with others outside the Isles, nor the relationships of each one within itself; and even the relationships between the four might be different for different aspects or activities.

* [[Redbook4:78-81][19871002:2245c]{Spiritual Fusion}[2nd October 1987], presumably.]

**[(b2)] or,



(3 Leopards)

*** – !
