Sunday 21 June 2015

{Quantum Muddle [continued(3)]}[6th August 1983]

[Redbook2:298][19830806:2330d]{Quantum Muddle [continued(3)]}[6th August 1983]


Put more plainly*, mathematics seems to be a framework in the Mind of men, describing certain interactions between the material world and that mind (I think that was what I was going to write this morning** – something about mathematics being the place where the rules of nature meet the realm of mind, e.g. in music) – but we have no evidence to lead us to suppose that the harmonious patterns of mathematics in our minds precisely parallel the nature of the material world except exactly insofar as they have and do, according to non-mathematical evidence such as Scientific experiment.

Mathematics uses its own perceptions of harmony to inform Science that, if Science cannot observe a precise material future in advance (i.e. cannot predict precisely a future event), the precise material future cannot exist materially in advance. In this particular case Mathematics (presumably) is taken to predict the non-existence of the future which it says does not exist because Science cannot predict it.
But the statement can be taken as a general statement without reference to any particular event. The implication of either case is that if Mathematics ever does predict a precise material future, and Science cannot observe it, the future still does not exist precisely in advance – or else Mathematics has no need of Science, which is precisely what one would expect Mathematics to say but is the opposite of what is being said by implication by Scientists in their interpretation of this Mathematics.

*[See last previous entry]

**[See [Redbook2:294-295][19830806.2330]{A Dream of Progression}[6th August 1983] -- final paragraph.]



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