Friday 26 June 2015

{A Dream of the Holy City?}[26th August 1983]

[Redbook2:302-303][19830826:1045]{A Dream of the Holy City?}[26th August 1983]


Curiously, in a dream this morning some of the characters from yesterday morning* seem to have reappeared (It was preceded by a fairly confused sequence involving Tube trains at Victoria [Railway Station in London] coming to the surface for repairs via a spiral tunnel). I was in a city which I took to be in Israel. Youths were milling about; I was with a black-haired soldier who suddenly, against all pleas, raised his rifle and shot a youth with the straight, very fair hair which tends in my dream mind to get confused with [… and …], I believe. The youth fell down, to the great distress of those around.

Two of these, a young girl and a young boy, walked ahead of me and the soldier, up a hill path which curved round to the left out of sight. I remonstrated with the soldier over his actions, ending rather feebly with a disclaimer of authority. To my surprise, instead of speaking with the force of his military might he complimented me on the state of affairs in my Country in some way which I could not quite understand – thereby disarming me.

At the top [of the hill] we came into a house with two adjoining rooms off a lobby. The soldier asked me to fling open the door while he stood with rod [sic] raised; but inside, all we saw was a small part of a body (presumably female) leaping under bedclothes, with a hint of that extreme fairness of hair and/or skin. Outside, the soldier told the rest of us to wait in the room next door while he visited this person; I had the impression (remembering perhaps scenes in novels etc.) that he intended to have intercourse, probably sexual, with the person.

In the other room, the young girl sat on the bed and the young boy next to it. The girl showed me with pride a mark on her body – I think on her inner upper thigh – which was a small, round moist hole like an abscess; but I recognised it as a small bullet hole, identical to the hole in the cheek in the previous dream*, and I recognised her and her brother as the couple from that dream. She had in both dreams light brown hair; he may have had about him an impression of a silvery-grey colour, although not with any sense of disease or decay.

I felt it necessary to lock the door; but as I did so the soldier returned, and I had to unlock it again. He said words to the effect of: 'what are you three in here ....' I could not understand the last word, and suggested some possibilities; the possibility which occurred to me as most likely, although I did not mention it, was 'plotting'.


*[[Redbook2:300-301][19830826:0045]{A Dream of Missed Directions: Three Chapels and the White Hotel}[26th August 1983]]



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