Sunday 31 May 2015

{A Dream: 'He rules, he pools, he leaves.'}[22nd May 1983]

[Redbook2:281-282][19830522:1130]{A Dream: 'He rules, he pools, he leaves.'}[22nd May 1983]


A dream of some kind late this morning developed into an episode in which I was in a hall which the Sufi used for talking, with some of his 'disciples', although he was not there. A girl asked me if I had chosen a name: I had not. She said that she had a name for me: said a few words in what I took to be Arabic, and told me that it meant: 'He rules, he pools, he leaves'*. Rather embarrassed, I said that I hoped that none of the Sufi's followers actually spoke the Arabic in which their names were given to them, but she told me that some of them did.

Shortly afterwards a young man came up and addressed me by those words in Arabic, as I took it to be, which had been translated by that name. I think it sounded a little strange to my ears.

I asked the girl if we could expect the Sufi. She said no, he was … (something like:) at ?Ardross(an?) Colliery guarding the floor. (Ardross is the name of a Victorian Castle now on the market). I had imagined him as being, as it were, self-employed, and said I found it hard to imagine him in a National Coal Board uniform; she assured me, with a certain amount of amusement, as if I had misunderstood her, that he was not an employee (of the N.C.B.).

Earlier this week I began to practice the exercises which were handed to me before I stopped attending the Sufi's talks, {...(?)} [sic].

{but not for long, I think}

*i.e. ? He makes a ruling (in the judicial sense – e.g. by Reason) on what he hears; he puts it into his 'pool' of acquired knowledge; then he leaves this area for another source. <890929> See p283.


Saturday 30 May 2015

{A Dream of Christchurch}[18th May 1983]

[Redbook2:280][19830518:1300]{A Dream of Christchurch}[18th May 1983]


The dream in a church in 19810811* came to mind recently because of another dream within the last few weeks: Again I was in a Church – which I took to be Christchurch round the corner (I do not recall having been in it while awake) but which was probably too large. Again there was a congregation: I think I had been walking round, but I think I could not leave without disturbing them.

I do enter Churches to sit quietly and clear myself: I don't attend services.

*[[Redbook2:195][19810811:2320]{A Dream of the Devil; A Dream of the Soul*; A Dream of the Church}[11th August 1981]]


Friday 29 May 2015

{The Itch (2)}[16th May 1983]

[Redbook2:280][19830516:1945]{The Itch (2)}[16th May 1983]


During the last few weeks I have noticed many times again that itch in my forehead, where the white spot was.


Thursday 28 May 2015

{Christianity and Islam}[16th May 1983]

[Redbook2:279-280][19830516:1830b]{Christianity and Islam}[16th May 1983]


In case the connection has not been made within this book, last year (I believe it was) I clearly settled in my own mind the relationship of Christianity and Islam. Christianity is at the '+C' point of the Great Circles, and Islam is at the '+Mk' point*. It is as simple as that**. This is rationalised from the nature of their fundamental preoccupations as external religions, i.e. as publicly taught and practised: Islam is not identified with Sufi{sm}. Less certainly, Judaism (which is the clear root of both) may represent all (discrete) points on the Great Circles (and Buddhism, in its pure form, may represent no (discrete) points on those Circles); and Hinduism, being a collection of many opposing approaches, may represent the vertical axis that joins and includes both '+C' and '+Mk' across the horizontal. But I should not like to regard these two as certain.

*I am less sure about this now – or about whether placing them is important. <870812>

**Bear in mind that (whether right or wrong) a circle with Christianity and Islam on it may place them quite differently from one with them and (say) (Hinduism on it. The Circles indicate relationships. <880325>


Wednesday 27 May 2015

{The White-Robed Choir}[16th May 1983]

[Redbook2:279][19830516:1830]{The White-Robed Choir}[16th May 1983]


In 19820809* I notice I wrote: “I may have caught a glimpse of a white-robed choir, moving forward?”. Oddly, in my mind is a much clearer image of that white-robed procession moving forward from the dark end of the Cathedral (possibly slightly to the right of centre of that end, if I stood at the centre of that end?) into the Light.

I did not have the impression then, so far as I recall, that this starting point was the starting point (at 5/8) from which “certain members of the congregation … were permitted to pass directly … to a position before the Altar.” That starting point at 5/8 would seem to correspond with the position described as Stability**, to which the card allotted is Death*** (of one kind or another).

*[[Redbook2:237-238][19820809:0845b]{A Dream: The Unfinished Cathedral}[9th August 1982]]

**now Evolution. <870812>

***for '[1]', but not any longer: now {TXVIII} Moon. <870812>


Tuesday 26 May 2015

{Truth for a Time}[16th May 1983]

[Redbook2:278][19830516:1715]{Truth for a Time}[16th May 1983]


The cat has brought in a smell of fish.

(This has nothing to do with the previous sentence so far as I know:)

The Truth which may be known is at the core of every being, and is therefore outside the World as we perceive the World. An incarnate being may know the Truth as the Truth may be known, but may communicate to others only in the terms comprehensible to the World. These terms vary from time to time. No-one incarnate may know the terms for all times: if he did, he could not exist within his time. Therefore, to say (as might be said) that Moses, or Jesus, or Mohammed is the last word for all time is wrong: the relations of their teachings to the teaching required for our times are as the terms of their times are to ours, some indication of which may be obtained from a careful study of religious and secular affairs in each time.


Monday 25 May 2015

{Christian and Sufic Literature}[16th May 1983]

[Redbook2:277][19830516:1615b]{Christian and Sufic Literature}[16th May 1983]


Over the last week and weekend I have been able to clear my mind considerably of the rubbish which I have allowed in over the previous fifteen months or so – and to renew old ways suspended under the force of circumstance during that time. It is well worthwhile, if for nothing else, for the relaxed clarity of mind and perception which (not without fog patches) results.

I have read during that time Grail literature, and mediaeval English mysticism. The need to do this, given effect by the unexpected discovery of a book for which I had been looking for some time, accorded with my expectation of a renewed attraction to Christian thought and churches – according to the Circles. I think this will continue, but it led immediately, vis Doris Lessing's books (about which I have Reservations [sic]), back to Sufic literature which I first began to investigate (because of the parallels with [0]) about two? years ago. It occurs to me now that this line across the Circles exactly coincides with my 'short-cut' in the dream of 19820809*. I have had for some time a growing feeling that, as we ceased to attend the Sufi when it was time to do so, so I should consider trying to find him again. However, they were thinking of moving.

There are aspects to this which I do not wish to set down in detail even now and here, to do with the long-, long-held feeling (which I believe I share with **others) of a task to be performed, and of the dangers of falling away into forgetfulness or into crookedness.

*[[Redbook2:237-238][19820809:0845b]{A Dream: The Unfinished Cathedral}[9th August 1982]]



Sunday 24 May 2015

{Dreams of Houses}[16th May 1983]

[Redbook2:275-276][19830516:1615]{Dreams of Houses}[16th May 1983]


Many of my more striking or disturbing dreams involve buildings. I have been much involved with building operations and considerations over the last few years – intensively here in our [...] flat, but also to some extent at [C] (and considering the future). I had assumed that these dreams arose out of circumstances of the present, although I also felt that they related to the future, even if only as fears in some cases.

These dreams fell into three categories:

(1) Comparatively rarely, I dreamt that I was in a large house, usually a Country House, which I could not identify but did recognise. It had many passages, rooms etc. in which various things occurred in various dreams (some of which are described above). (A possibly linked phenomenon was my day time preoccupation for some months with images of [St. Q's] house, where I was at school for five years.)

(2) At particular times I dreamt that a house I was living in was falling down – producing a real sense of catastrophe. I put this down to actual fears before and during certain certain conversion works on the [flat].

(3) Frequently I have dreamt that we have in one direction or another discovered and opened up new rooms to the flat, and even occasionally new ways through these to the outside World. Usually we demolish walls to the next door flat (which we acquire); occasionally we find vast areas at the back built on an earlier scale; last week we discovered a new level between ours and the [...] floor above, approached by a narrow way, but with wide disused staircases from below visible further back.

It seems clear that these may be symbolic representations of the mental framework, or something of the sort, indicating (for example) the collapse of old conceptions and the discovery of new areas of activity.


Saturday 23 May 2015

{Religious Prophecy: Postscript}[15th May 1983]

[Redbook2:275][19830515:2100]{Religious Prophecy: Postscript}[15th May 1983]


Re-reading at random (I was looking for something else) 19791123* re prophecy, penult. para., it is possible that those in Britain responsible for the decisions leading to the return of the Jews to their homeland [sic] did not appreciate the precise significance of the event. I do not know where except at the end of Daniel the event is tied to the 'last' or 'testing' times (and timed, although confusingly): 'when the power of the holy people ceases to be dispersed'**. I quote from memory from the New English Bible: but the Authorised Version says something quite different.***

*[[Redbook2:158-160][19791123:1850a]{Religious Prophecy [continued]}[23rd November 1979]]

**It (had?) happened before, of course: after the Edict of Cyrus. c.538BCE. <921020>

*** NJB: 'When the crushing of the Holy People's power is over.' – Dn.12.7. A.V.: 'When he shall have accomplished to scatter the power of the holy people....' (ibid) <921020>


Thursday 21 May 2015

{Spirals}[14th May 1983]

[Redbook2:274][19830514:2030]{Spirals}[14th May 1983]


It seems clear that, while a circuit of the Outer Circle may occur only on one 'plane', as it were, repeating itself as many times as the individual fails to change his direction at the point of '[Crisis]'; a circuit of the Inner Circle (and this should do away with the need for circles in the 'wrong' direction) might be more like part of a spiral: each Inner Circuit would take one further from the influences of the Outer Circle, further in, more deeply in.


{A Dream: The Frozen Serpent [continued]}[12th May 1983]

[Redbook2:273][19830512.1815]{A Dream: The Frozen Serpent [continued]}[12th May 1983]


The image of the blind serpent from this dream* was used at the end of '[1]'. But I have just read R.A. Nicholson's translation 'Rumi[,] Poet and Mystic', Prelude, Footnote 2: 'The “frozen snake”, or dragon, which symbolises the carnal soul, is never so dangerous as when it pretends to be utterly subdued and crushed.... A hunter discovered the monstrous creature, half-buried in snow.' This presents the dream in a potentially different light, so perhaps I shall write down these 'story' dreams in future.**

*[See last previous entry]

**You mean you haven't been?! (I think I thought narrative dreams to be less significant than those I recorded). <870812>


Wednesday 20 May 2015

{A Dream: The Frozen Serpent}[12th May 1983]

[Redbook2:273][19830512.1815]{A Dream: The Frozen Serpent}[12th May 1983]


I do not think I recorded a dream I had some time ago which a came as a strong narrative, like a story, seen chiefly from the viewpoint of a young child living on a farm community in a deep sheltered valley in the foot of high mountains – in somewhere like New Zealand – but also in other ways*. His father led? an expedition to climb the great Mountain behind the farm. I remember a scene above the snowline: a great rock and ice flying buttress up which they/we climbed, with difficulties (a fallen tree?) on the way. Higher up, they/we looked down and saw/heard flashes/explosions in the dim faraway low Country. Just below the summit, I (as if suspended a little lower) saw disaster: as the two? leading climbed astride a narrow snow-ridge, linked by ropes, the ridge stirred: a great grey-white serpent raising its blind head and rolling its coils, dislodging them in an avalanche of snow and rock.

At the farmhouse was a great gathering – a party of some kind – after hope had long been given up: from which I, the child again, wandering a few hundred yards or less up the valley, saw, and shouted back to the party, that the wanderers were returning: staggering back bearded and in anguish through the evening(?): and realised with growing grief and loss amidst the celebration that my own father would not be returning.

*(in other ways what?) – than from the viewpoint of the young child, I think <930117>



Tuesday 19 May 2015

{Idylls of the King}[11th May 1983]

[Redbook2:272][19830511:1045]{Idylls of the King}[11th May 1983]


Re-reading 19821010*: more recently I read Tennyson's 'Idylls of the King' right through for the first time, and was struck by the way that Carbonek could (and perhaps will) be fitted into the description of [the] Castle [...] and its immediate surroundings: the Sea Gate would be the great doorway into the [central mountain], opened wide. I have, of course, read stories derived from Tennyson/Malory, as a child.

There is also a delightful description of what would now be classified as a UFO – although Bors had no doubt as to what it was, lying in the 'cell of great, piled stones', through a miraculous gap in which: ' “And then to me, to me,'
Said good Sir Bors, 'beyond all hopes of mine,
Who scarce had prayed or asked it for myself –
Across the seven clear stars – O grace to me –
In colour like the fingers of a hand
Before a burning taper, the sweet Grail
Glided and past, and close upon it pealed
A sharp quick thunder.” '

Great fun!

*[Beginning at [Redbook2:252-256][19821010:1330]{The Magic Mountain}[10th October 1982]]


Monday 18 May 2015

{Malvinas [continued (5)]}[11th May 1983]

[Redbook2:271][19830511:0945]{Malvinas [continued (5)]}[11th May 1983]


Re-reading the attempt to fit the Falklands crisis into the pattern of Circles*, it is interesting to imagine it reversed on the same events; an Argentinian proponent might say: we did start with Love (of fatherland?), consider and plan our invasion for years, act Creatively in carrying it out, employ the Diversity of our resources and diversify our own territory, suffer Death there.… What went wrong? You were forced into Ordination and Action (as Reaction), met increasing Complication (compelling you to add to your forces), might even have met Distraction..... Why did you win?

There are several possible answers to this.
(1) If the pattern is only settled in its final stages; this makes it valueless as a predictive method and of limited value only as a method of 'academic' analysis.
(2) If each transit of a Circle contains echoes of the other Circle in the opposite direction, especially at the early stages.
(3) A degree of detachment is required in assessing the matter.
(4) The complications arise from interrelationships with related events/circles.
(5) Much may depend on the precise nature of the early stages. It is, after all, easy to talk about 'Love', less easy to practise it in a truly unselfish, disinterested, detached sense – or even in a sense approaching these qualities.

I am beginning to feel that I have taken this far enough, at least for this time: there is a danger in a particular analysis becoming a rigid or oversimplified framework which limits rather than improves one's perception.

*[See last four previous entries]


Sunday 17 May 2015

{Malvinas [continued (4)]}[10th May 1983]

[Redbook2:268-270][19830510:2030f]{Malvinas [continued (4)]}[10th May 1983]


Britain's case seems more complex: given that the Country is both constitutionally and politically female-dominated, it remains to be shown whether that domination is in the initiation or in the resolution only* of events. Whether she is right or wrong, Mrs. Thatcher does seem to have considered carefully the basis of her economic actions before she came to power – in a way that few other governments seem to have done – and pretty well stuck to them. The Harmony and Unity produced by the Falklands Circle may still be a very strong influence on the electorate in her favour. It may be that the economy is suffering Death (in insolvency and, especially, unemployment) which she would, I believe, see as necessary for success.

Taking correlation too far, it is entertaining to note that the 'pay-off' stage begins with Action dominated by the figure named Michael. If she is correct in her course (and “correct” may be the wrong term: the Circle suggests that whether it is praiseworthy or reprehensible, it will, if stuck to, produce the result she wants), two Michaels in particular stand as candidates to reap the benefit. One is Michael Foot**, about whose prospects of exercising power I think I commented adversely some years ago in this book***. The other, who I hope has matured into less of a smoothy than he seemed when I glimpsed him walking across the public lobby of Parliament (also some years ago), is Michael Heseltine****.

*[i.e. “only in the resolution of”, presumably]

**[Redbook2:171-172][19801113:2310b]{Foresight}[13th November 1980]

***{Resigned as Labour leader, after losing [General] Election (?) (in Oct[ober] 1983}

****{Resigned 1986 as [a] Minister [in the Government] after a Cabinet quarrel.}
(Strongest media candidate for succession to Conservative leadership, 1990. <19900806>)
(– Forced Mrs. Thatcher's decision to stand down, 19901122. <901122>)
beaten to leadership by John Major, 1991 (?) <930116>



Saturday 16 May 2015

{Malvinas [continued (3)]}[10th May 1983]

[Redbook2:268-270][19830510:2030e]{Malvinas [continued (3)]}[10th May 1983]


This much* is fairly clear, and does not require the pattern of the Great Circles, although they fit; but it is interesting to note the wider consequences in and within the recent histories and futures of the two Countries. The Revolution suffered by Argentina in the Falklands seems to be a trigger to bring pressure for a wider political Revolution which would be a part of the consequence of an 'Action' coup and government by military 'Ordination' men some time before: this might suggest that if the order of events is decided on the Circle, the timing may be affected by other Circles.

*[See last two previous entries]



Friday 15 May 2015

{Malvinas [continued]}[10th May 1983]

[Redbook2:268-270][19830510:2030d]{Malvinas [continued]}[10th May 1983]


So far as the pattern of Circles is concerned, it seems clear that the actual details of the invasion were not carefully considered by Argentina in advance – hence the appalling problems with logistics etc. – whereas the British were able to fall back on carefully prepared detailed plans for mobilisation for this type of emergency, perhaps outweighing the earlier lack of strategic thought on this kind of territory. This (perhaps rather selective) presentation places Argentina as starting with Ordination to Action, i.e. on the Outer Circle, and Britain through Revelation on the Inner Circle, initiated (I believe the Sufi was right, since it is clear that the Islands would have been disposed of were it not for the Islanders) by Love.

The result of this, speaking only of the campaign, would be to lead Britain through Creation (in putting together the fleet etc.), Diversity (apparent in the diversity of resources used), and Death* (more literally than is usual, although from the British point of view worthwhile) ** to successful Action, producing Harmony and eventual Unity (but see below)***. Argentina, however, would discover Complication (e.g. see the conscripts' accounts of lack of food etc. and the reactions of the Islanders, neither of which had been planned for), Distraction, Fragmentation (conscripts losing faith in NCOs and Officers, etc.), and so through Revolution (i.e. in this case defeat) and Simplification return to Unity of a different sort, or Judgement.****

*Obsolete ref. <930116>

**[Insert:] evolving <870812>

***[See next entry]

****[For an exactly opposite interpretation: (keep reading the entries to) [Redbook2:271][19830511:0945]{Malvinas [continued (5)]}[11th May 1983]]



Thursday 14 May 2015

{Malvinas}[10th May 1983]

[Redbook2:268-270][19830510:2030c]{Malvinas}[10th May 1983]


I thought I had recorded, but do not seem to have, the way the Falklands results fit (or do not fit) into the pattern of Circles. The Sufi, whose talks we ceased to attend last year (but to whom I may at an appropriate stage return), made one of the most perceptive comments on the Falklands crisis that I have ever heard: pointing out that in the case of both the Falklands crisis and the Spanish Armada the contest was between, on the one hand, a nation led at the time by the female principle (Elizabeth II and Margaret Thatcher; Elizabeth I), and, on the other hand, a nation dominated by the Latin-American [sic] male-macho principle which consistently underrates the strength of the female maternal will in defence of its own family.



Wednesday 13 May 2015

{Decisions [continued]}[10th May 1983]

[Redbook2:267][19830510:2030b]{Decisions [continued]}[10th May 1983]


My experience a few nights later of a conversation with +M (see 19821114.1915)* has been the foundation stone of almost all my important decisions since then, particularly about our business and the computer – starting with leaving my job. My feeling then that he talked for a long 'time', and that what he said was extremely important, despite the fact that I could not and cannot recall what he said, has given me courage to make decisions which may seem in retrospect and rationally to be colossal gambles. It has helped me (to some extent) not to worry but to have confidence in the outcome of decisions made after quiet perception of the trend of events and quiet attention to the inner reality or truth – so far as my own awareness has not been distorted by outside factors. The events of my life over the past years seem to fit the pattern of the Circles. I find myself drawn towards Churches and bare Christianity, which fits.

*[Redbook2:264-265][19821114:1915]{[1]: A Visitation]}[14th November 1982]
