Friday 3 February 2023

{Tyranny, Aristocracy, and Democracy [continued]*}[30th December 1990]

[Redbook8:164-165][19901230:1614d]{Tyranny, Aristocracy, and Democracy [continued]*}[30th December 1990]



*BUT: ‘a widely accepted theory says that in consequence of the change **|(c[irca] 700-650[bce]ff from combat by individual warrior champions*** to use of hoplite (infantry) phalanxes****)|**, the burden of fighting passed from relatively few aristocrats# to a wider class of substantial peasant farmers;#* that the latter accordingly demanded a share in political power;#** and that revolutionary rulers, the tyrants of the 7th century, arose as their leaders.#*** Against this view, it has been argued that peasant farmers #**** were more likely to be conservative than revolutionary, and they would dislike war and disturbance as threatening their land and taking them away from tillage; in Etruria and Rome hoplite tactics were adopted during a period of aristocratic ascendancy.’##


*[from last entry but one]

**[text bracketed between **| & |** is in square brackets in the ms paragraph, indicating insertion in the ms]









##* – ibid [Encyclopaedia Britannica 20], 247



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