Saturday 18 February 2023

{Crop Circles are Ovals}[7th January 1991]

[Redbook8:172][19910107:1822c]{Crop Circles are Ovals}[7th January 1991]



[A cutting in the ms of a letter from The Guardian 19910107:[p]18 headed ‘Why the circles are not simply a load of old corn’, from Ralph Noyes,* Hon Secretary, Centre for Crop Circle Studies, 9 Oakley Street, London SW3 includes the following text highlighted in the ms: ‘Most simple “circles” are in fact ovals,** (a tiresome shape to manufacture); the crop is usually undamaged except for its swirled flattening; and often the swirled-down crops are plaited very complexly, sometimes in two distinct layers, one above the other.** In some of the more complex formations there are thin rings around the central disturbance,** not wider than six inches, but perfectly centred on the main circle.’]

*Sec[retary] of local S[ocial] D[emocratic] P[arty] [in our area of London] when [W] & I were members (we left**** c1982).

**[Underlining added in ms]

***cf [[Redbook8:206-208)][19910203:2020]{The Oval Circle}[3rd February 1991],] 206

****[– the SDP, presumably]


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