Monday 12 December 2022

{The Victory Stele of Naram-Sin}[22nd December 1990]

[Redbook8:142-143][19901222:1429]{The Victory Stele of Naram-Sin}[22nd December 1990]


‘[The Victory Stele of Naram-Sin]* … is a dramatic paen to the might of the deified king, who is shown wearing the symbol of divinity – a horned headdress.’


(& see illustration (next page)*** noting 2 x 16[-]pointed rosettes near apex of stela)****

‘Gone is the rigid stela shape, the constricting register divisions, and the set battle pieces. Instead the monument is nearly conical in form, which stresses the upward movement of the soldiers it depicts climbing in wooded mountains. Their gazes lead the observer’s eye upwards to the archetype of invincibility.’#




**– ibid [Encylopaedia of Visual Art 1:] 63

***[Reproduced in ms, not in ts; illustrations reproduced in the ms but not in the ts can generally be found in similar form on the internet]

****The 16-pointed rosettes can also be interpreted, just conceivably, as 8-degree and 12-degree circles with shared cardinals – ie the C[ircles] A[nalysis] & S[ynthesis] degrees on the Astrological degrees. The fact that there are two is extra-ordinary and potentially significant. I see these as the focus of lower Human attention.

[Or just the Sun and Moon?]

#One man seems to be hanging in a tree (cf T.XII at G~; and norse legend; & the Crucifixion). Next to him is one with a trumpet (cf R~). There seem to be at least 12 figures, with room for a few more lost.


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