Thursday 22 December 2022

{[Spiral Numbers...] …and Pascal’s Triangle}[23rd December 1990]

[Redbook8:149A][19901223:1645f]{[Spiral Numbers...] …and Pascal’s Triangle}[23rd December 1990]



[[– repeated from last previous entry, & continued:] A double-page spread inserted in the ms (which is too large to photocopy into the ts) from The E[ducation?] Guardian for 19901130 at p8 and 9, headed ‘Patterns’ and subheaded ‘The nature of numbers’ and including the section headings ‘Numbers in nature’, Fibonacci’, ‘Number and shape’, ‘The spiral connection’, ‘Patterns at play’ (‘Beetling along’, Heads or tails?’ & ‘Powers of 11’), ‘Blaise Pascal’, ‘The golden section’, & ‘The golden rectangle and pattern’, contains the clearest brief and simple explanation this writer has come across of connections between the subjects listed.]


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