Monday 12 December 2022

{Empiricism}[22nd December 1990]

[Redbook8:144-145][19901222:1645]{Empiricism}[22nd December 1990]


The enormous emphasis on empirical work* in modern physical and social sciences does not particularly fit, for example, the current 2048 year cycle.** It appears at first sight to be a contra-indication (symbol: c).***

Only a massive re-interpretation of the history of Western technology could change this: ie that empirical improvements (in all fields, eg government as well) were being made from at latest c1200ce onwards on a scale greater than that previously since 0ce – and that what is notable about modern science is the success of its reliance not just upon empiricism but upon mathematical and physical theory.

But of course, the history of the development of Man is the history of empirical advance, ie based on observation and experiment,**** not on theory; on the whole, theory may be said to consolidate, widen the scope of, and even institutionalise the advances it crystallises, rather than actually originating the advances.

Almost all great theoretical advances – perhaps absolutely all – have their origin in observation and at least thought-experiment; that is, in empiricism. (That seems undeniable, although it does not help to place# empiricism in c1200ce.)

*eg per E[ncyclopaedia] B[ritannica] 27:374

**[But see [Redbook8:135][19901221:1809b]{Crisis [continued]}[21st December 1990]]

***[In the ms, the c is struck through vertically for the contra symbol, but this symbol does not appear to be available in the font used for the ts]

****C[oncise] O[xford] D[ictionary][presumably]

#[Ambiguous; probably the correct sense is ‘with placing’.]



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