Saturday 31 December 2022

{More Mesopotamian Symbols [continued (9)] – Sun Disk}[23rd December 1990]

[Redbook8:151][19901223:1916i]{More Mesopotamian Symbols [continued (9)] – Sun Disk}[23rd December 1990]



‘On many * royal stamp seals... the king is shown beneath the borrowed winged sun-disk,** guided under the protecting arm of his tutelary deity.’



**{cf haloes}

*** – ibid [Encylopaedia of Visual Art 1:] 74-75



Friday 30 December 2022

{More Mesopotamian Symbols [continued (8)] – ‘The Goddess, my lady,....’}[23rd December 1990]

[Redbook8:151][19901223:1916h]{More Mesopotamian Symbols [continued (8)] – ‘The Goddess, my lady,....’}[23rd December 1990]



‘“The goddess, my lady, always held me by the hand; and since I was a divinely favoured man, and walked in the favour of the gods, I never committed the evil deeds of mankind.”’

King Hattusilis III of the Hittites (c1275-1250bce); per E[ncylopaedia of] V[isual] A[rt] 1:74.



Thursday 29 December 2022

{More Mesopotamian Symbols [continued (7)] – Dragons and Bulls}[23rd December 1990]

[Redbook8:151][19901223:1916g]{More Mesopotamian Symbols [continued (7)] – Dragons and Bulls}[23rd December 1990]



‘[On the Ishtar Gate* at Babylon in the New Babylonian period (625-539bce)]** Sumerian dragons alternate with bulls,*** symbols respectively of the underworld and life.’****


*[See [Redbook8:150][19901223:1916c]{More Mesopotamian Symbols [continued (3)] – River of Life}[23rd December 1990]]

**[Bracketed words inserted in ms]

***A~ff; J~


****A~; J~ff?? (c[ontra]?

# – ibid [Encylopaedia of Visual Art 1:] 74



Wednesday 28 December 2022

{More Mesopotamian Symbols [continued (6)] – Tree of Life}[23rd December 1990]

[Redbook8:151][19901223:1916f]{More Mesopotamian Symbols [continued (6)] – Tree of Life}[23rd December 1990]



‘A similar [timeless]*character is found, however, in Mesopotamian rituals centred on the tree of life.’**


*[Bracketed word inserted in ms]

**(cf Genesis; Norse myths; T.XII)

***[[Encylopaedia of Visual Art 1:72]



Saturday 24 December 2022

{More Mesopotamian Symbols [continued (5)] – Bulls, Cows and Lions}[23rd December 1990]

[Redbook8:150][19901223:1916e]{More Mesopotamian Symbols [continued (5)] – Bulls, Cows and Lions}[23rd December 1990]



(See ibid* 70 re Sinnacherib’s** palace with couples of lions or mountain sheep, the “protecting deities”, as pillar bases; and lion, bull and cow colossi over posts and crossbars; and (27) portals formed by colossal winged bulls and lion-sphinxes.)

(See ibid* 71 ill[ustration] of a winged bull-god*** from Sargon (II)’s palace at Khorzabad (721-705bce))

*[Encylopaedia of Visual Art 1]

**[sic ibid]



[cf [Redbook8:151][19901223:1916k]{More Mesopotamian Symbols [continued (11)] – Bulls and Lions}[23rd December 1990]]



{More Mesopotamian Symbols [continued (4)] – Monsters}[23rd December 1990]

[Redbook8:150][19901223:1916d]{More Mesopotamian Symbols [continued (4)] – Monsters}[23rd December 1990]



‘Actual representations of divinities were now* being replaced by monstrous creatures and symbols** derived mainly from the Old Babylonian period.*** The change reflects a profound alteration in the religious outlook of Babylonia and elsewhere.’


*(The [Later] Kassites, c1550-1157[bce])

[See last previous entry]

**I suppose this sort of expression of religious feeling ought to occur around A~ <901225>

or ‘flushing out’ at R~? <910130>

{cf [[Redbook8:200-205][19910130:1235]{Hellenistic Greek Art}[30th January 1991],] 201 (Hellenistic, c300-0BCE)}

cf [[Redbook8:{306-308}][19910306:0930#]{Romanesque Art}[23rd December 1990],] 305[actual ms page number corrected to {307} – penult para on ms page] – is Mesopotamia a 4096 year cycle? <910306>


****– ibid [Encylopaedia of Visual Art 1:], 67



{More Mesopotamian Symbols [continued (3)] – River of Life}[23rd December 1990]

[Redbook8:150][19901223:1916c]{More Mesopotamian Symbols [continued (3)] – River of Life}[23rd December 1990]



‘The form* culminated in the Ishtar Gate of Nebuchadnezzar** at Babylon.

‘In the recesses of the facade stand gods and goddesses, each holding a vase of flowing water above their elongated trunks. The streams of water link the deities....’


*[Early Kassites – see next entry]


*** – ibid [Encylopaedia of Visual Art 1: 66]



{More Mesopotamian Symbols [continued] – Angelic Wings?}[23rd December 1990]

[Redbook8:150][19901223:1916b]{More Mesopotamian Symbols [continued] – Angelic Wings?}[23rd December 1990]



‘Shamash, the sun god (identified by the rays emanating from his shoulders)* hands a rod and line **to Hammurabi – perhaps the tokens of divine authority for the king’s dispensation of justice.’

*cf angelic wings

**A~ – &?[:]






&? G~ – M~?

(see illus[tration in:***])

***– ibid [Encylopaedia of Visual Art 1:] 66



Friday 23 December 2022

{More Mesopotamian Symbols – Rod and Line; Goddess and Lion}[23rd December 1990]

[Redbook8:150][19901223:1916]{More Mesopotamian Symbols – Rod and Line; Goddess and Lion}[23rd December 1990]


‘... The goddess Ishtar, * holding out rod and line, adopts a new stance by placing one foot on a lion ** (her attribute).... She holds an eye-ax....’


*?G~ – M~?

[& see next entry, fn=**]

**U~ c?

{(Subjugating the lion?)}

(But[/&] cf T.XI at J~)

[cf [Redbook8:152][19901223:1916m]{More Mesopotamian Symbols [continued (13)] – Standards}[23rd December 1990]]

***– E[ncylopaedia of] V[isual] A[rt] 1:66 (re The ‘Investiture of Zimrilim’ wall painting, Old Babylonian Period (c1890-1600BCE)



Thursday 22 December 2022

{[Spiral Numbers...] …and Pascal’s Triangle}[23rd December 1990]

[Redbook8:149A][19901223:1645f]{[Spiral Numbers...] …and Pascal’s Triangle}[23rd December 1990]



[[– repeated from last previous entry, & continued:] A double-page spread inserted in the ms (which is too large to photocopy into the ts) from The E[ducation?] Guardian for 19901130 at p8 and 9, headed ‘Patterns’ and subheaded ‘The nature of numbers’ and including the section headings ‘Numbers in nature’, Fibonacci’, ‘Number and shape’, ‘The spiral connection’, ‘Patterns at play’ (‘Beetling along’, Heads or tails?’ & ‘Powers of 11’), ‘Blaise Pascal’, ‘The golden section’, & ‘The golden rectangle and pattern’, contains the clearest brief and simple explanation this writer has come across of connections between the subjects listed.]


Wednesday 21 December 2022

{Spiral Numbers...}[23rd December 1990]

[Redbook8:148A][19901223:1645e]{Spiral Numbers...}[23rd December 1990]



[A double-page spread inserted in the ms (which is too large to photocopy into the ts) from The E[ducation?] Guardian for 19901130 at p8 and 9, headed ‘Patterns’ and subheaded ‘The nature of numbers’ and including the section headings ‘Numbers in nature’, Fibonacci’, ‘Number and shape’, ‘The spiral connection’, … [continued in next entry]]



Tuesday 20 December 2022

{‘The Chaos Culture’ and Youth}[23rd December 1990]

[Redbook8:147A][19901223:1645d]{‘The Chaos Culture’ and Youth}[23rd December 1990]



[A long article included in the ms from the Guardian for 19901213 at p28 under the Review/Arts section, which is not reproduced in the ts, is headed ‘The Chaos Culture’ and sub-headed ‘Where in the name of Thatcher has youth been heading in the last 10 years? Student Mark Fisher hazards a guess’, and includes the in-line headings ‘Confronted by an environment that threatens to envelop him, the rapper constructs an indestructible ego’, and ‘By the early [Nineteen-]Eighties youth culture itself had reached its own middle age, and the Utopianism of the Sixties had soured’. No text is highlighted in the ms; but it is accompanied by a photograph captioned: ‘Chaos theory built itself into [nineteen-]eighties thinking. But even chaos comes with recurring patterns, subdividing into fractals from the simplest algebraic equation, as in this computer-generated image from what has become known as a Mandelbrot set’.]


Monday 19 December 2022

[Gyroscopes][23rd December 1990]

[Redbook8:146][19901223:1645c][Gyroscopes][23rd December 1990]



[An article photocopied in the ms from the Review section of New Scientist 19901020 p49, which is not reproduced in the ts, by Professor Eric Laithwaite of Imperial College London, is headed ‘Gyroscopes remain the strangest of attractors’, & is a review of ‘Beyond 2001: How One Man Revolutionised the Laws of Physics’, by Sandy Kidd and Ron Thompson, Sidgewick & Jackson, pp 224, £14.95.]


Sunday 18 December 2022

{The SierpiƄski Gasket}[23rd December 1990]

[Redbook8:145][19901223:1645b]{The SierpiƄski Gasket}[23rd December 1990]





*N[ew ]S[cientist ]19900915 p39 (B. Mandelbrot)

[See [Redbook8:111][19901112:1205d][Fractals][12th November 1990]]

**[New Scientist] 19901016 p66 [Letters]

[See eg [Redbook5:194][19880625:0955b]{Pascal's Triangle}[20th June 1988];

[Redbook5:218-239][19880722:2307]{The Sphere}[22nd July 1988];

[Redbook5:250][19880803:1432]{Chaotic Determinism (+ Extracts) [continued (4)]}[3rd August 1988];

[Redbook6:147][19890710:1722]{Cumulative Doubling Instability}[10th July 1989]]
