Thursday 16 December 2021

{Love, Sex and Marriage [continued (17)]}[27th August 1990]

[Redbook7:265-266][19900827:2250d]{Love, Sex and Marriage [continued (17)]}[27th August 1990]



Speaking of a community of women,* I am not suggesting segregation: that would be disastrous; simply that one of the many communities which inhabit and overlap each other in any context would be the community of women (just as another would be the community of men).

It is most important that neither community keeps secrets, or physically excludes the other from its groups{:} the communities should be friendly, informal and thoroughly inclusive, in order to avoid splitting the Circle, {which}** is the integrity of the whole community.

In, say, a Village Community*** the women would and should collectively take responsibility for defusing (‘draining’ sounds a little too much like plumbing)**** male sexual needs in order to preserve the psychic balance of the community, which is not merely a matter of horizontal balance# but involves the primacy of the Inner Circle of integration over the Outer Circle of Disintegration, leading to vertical?#* orientation upwards (this is incorrectly phrased), and so to correct centering – on the Spirit.

*[[Redbook7:262-263][19900827:1050l]{Love, Sex and Marriage [continued (10)]}[27th August 1990]]

**[substituted for ‘that’]

***(ideally a Ward of c1500 to [c]2500 people: perhaps operating through its sub-unit Clusters of (say) 100 people, {&/}or through non-territorial groupings, whether formal or informal)

[See earlier vol(s), []]

****[See #** below]

#[ie G~↔M~]

#*{cf [] 308}[Redbook7:307-308][19900918:1010]{Balance and Integration}[18th September 1990],

{(cf VIII. [] 23)}

#**[‘A plumber who lived by the Sea, was plumbing his girlfriend. Said she: “Oh do stop your plumbing, there’s somebody coming!” Said the plumber, still plumbing: “It’s me.”’]



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