Saturday 11 December 2021

{Love, Sex and Marriage [continued (12)]}[27th August 1990]

[Redbook7:261-262][19900827:1050k]{Love, Sex and Marriage [continued (12)]}[27th August 1990]



The solution* begins from Unity at C (acknowledging its outer principle{,} as Attraction), achieved through Harmony – so it requires a population far more refined than we have now, although as with most Human affairs** it*** will also help to bring that requirement about: it is not a question of achieving one before starting the other.

The solution passes through pure Love and Revelation in Loving-kindness (Charity) to its physical Creation in sexual Love as well as other physical expressions of Love.

In practice what this means is that sex should no longer be considered as something to be offered according to the needs of the Self, but according to the needs of the Other – any other. This loss of Self for the sake of the other is the essence of Love, and indeed is the Turning-Point [sic] of the whole Circles process.****

*[See last previous entry]

**[ie matters]

***(the solution)

****[ie the C[ircles] A[nalysis &] S[ynthesis] process]



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