Friday 31 December 2021

{Right and Wrong}[2nd September 1990]

[Redbook7:273][19900902:2325]{Right and Wrong}[2nd September 1990]


Puzzling over a builder who had been made exceedingly angry by our refusal to pay him for work he had not done – at all, not just done badly – my mind was clarified and ‘cleared’ by the realisation that just as there are cultures or nations, in international affairs, * so in everyday life there are individuals, who simply cannot tell the difference between right and wrong. For these people, ‘right’ is what benefits them and ‘wrong’ is what disadvantages them.

They have no effective conscience.

*Ref VI...? []


Thursday 30 December 2021

{Revelation and Reason}[1st September 1990]

[Redbook7:271*][19900901:2312]{Revelation and Reason}[1st September 1990]


It’s worth clarifying something which I hope has been implied: that if ‘Revelation’ follows an O[uter] C[ircle] path (when it presumably originates in a radial resonance to Revolution at G~), it passes through Ordination** to become dogma and part of the assumptions basing rationalisation, on an ultimately disintegrating circuit; whereas if Revelation follows an I[nner] C[ircle] path, it is subjected to rational analysis on an integrating circuit through evolution*** and harmony.****

*This entry should have been between pp 272 & 273

**[at S~]

***[at u~]

****[at s~]


Wednesday 29 December 2021

{Schizophrenia and Birthdates (3)}[29th August 1990]

[Redbook7:272][19900829:2335c]{Schizophrenia and Birthdates (3)}[29th August 1990]



[Two press-cuttings, the first from The Independent for 900829:20 headed ‘The cause of schizophrenia’ and the second from The Independent for 900830:24 headed ‘Schizophrenics not well-served by squabbles’ inserted here in the ms, continue the debate (essentially, nature v nurture) outlined in the previous two journal entries sharing this heading.]*

I’m beginning to wish I hadn’t started keeping these [press cuttings], because I feel compelled to to go on preserving the arguments and counter-arguments to the bitter end – when really (as Murray** I think says in his second para[graph]) it doesn’t make any difference, in the sense that chemical, physiological and psychological*** factors are not necessarily mutually exclusive.

*ref [[Redbook7:231][19900823:1402b]{Schizophrenia and Birthdates (1)}[23rd August 1990]] 231,

[[Redbook7:268][19900829:0026]{Schizophrenia and Birthdates (2)}[29th August 1990],] 268

**[The originator of the original suggestion reported in the article referred to in the first journal entry referenced in the footnote above]



Tuesday 28 December 2021

{Candid Awakenings [continued]}[29th August 1990]

[Redbook7:271][19900829:2335b]{Candid Awakenings [continued]}[29th August 1990]



Years ago – it was between my second and third years at Cambridge, I think – I was on a canal-boat holiday in Llangollen, where I saw what I imagine must have been a local trial run by Quaker Oats (the manufacturer of breakfast cereals), since I certainly never saw it anywhere else: a breakfast cereal called ‘Quake Up’.*

*{(Already entered in II... ff? [not found in Vols I-III]}


Friday 24 December 2021

{Candid Awakenings}[29th August 1990]

[Redbook7:271][19900829:2335]{Candid Awakenings}[29th August 1990]


Working through the Writer’s Handbook* list of magazines, I was interested to see that IPC publish no less than 7 titles with title commencing: ‘Woman...’.

[W] reminded me that when she worked at IPC the company launched a new title for women named: ‘Candida’. It didn’t last long: Candida (albicans) is a yeast[-]like fungus producing candidiasis, or moniliasis, an infectious disease which, when it occurs in the mucous membranes of the mouth or vagina, is known by its more common name of Thrush.**

*[See last previous entry, fns = * & **, & final note]

**E[nyclopaedia] B[ritannica] 2

[But I expect you knew that....]



{Circles of Fiction [continued]}[29th August 1990]

[Redbook7:270][19900829:1122b]{Circles of Fiction [continued]}[29th August 1990]



‘... Whereas the pulp fiction tends to have seven or eight plot-units, the better-quality story employs three or four.’*



* – WSCC,** BP 8-9

**[Ibid – see last previous entry]

***[The item between the circles is the back of a staple, & irrelevant]


[Have] r[ead] WSCC (Manual) Blueprints 1 to 8.



{Circles of Fiction}[29th August 1990]

[Redbook7:270][19900829:1122]{Circles of Fiction}[29th August 1990]


‘... Remember your stories will be better if the Key Characters are strong in will and most active in resisting the obstacles put up between them and their purpose. The beginner tends to let the Key Character be too weak and passive in his or her response to obstacles, so losing the reader’s interest.’*

ie Stories should be of the O[uter] C[ircle] not the I[nner] C[ircle]. Is this why my longer fictions don’t get published?

*– WSCC,** BP 5-7

**[Ibid – see [Redbook7:134-135][19900514:1135]{Conflict Circles}[14th May 1990]]



{The Haldane Principle}[29th August 1990]

[Redbook7:269][19900829:0026c]{The Haldane Principle}[29th August 1990]




[A press-cutting from The Independent for 900828 (letters) inserted here in the ms, headed ‘Long-term value of research’, consisting of a letter from Professor Peter Fellget, FRS, includes the following passages: ‘Often no one can know the importance of such [fundamental] research until decades, or perhaps half a century or so, have passed.’ ‘It is logically inescapable that any attempt to judge fundamental research must favour problems that have already been recognised over those yet to be identified. Such attempts, therefore, direct resources towards the last problem and away from the next problem, which itself can be identified only be research. There is a tried and tested solution, known as the Haldane Principle, to this dilemma. According to this, in any community there will only be a very small proportion of people who, by years of study and intense motivation, are able and willing to undertake the very demanding discipline of original research. The value of their work to the community may be incalculable. Therefore a civilised society will freely give to people qualified and motivated in this way, as a matter of right and of public interest, modest but sufficient resources for their work. And lest it be thought that such a policy, which was applied in the past, should today be prohibitively expensive, the amount the country invests in pure research is but a fraction of what is wagered on horses or football.’]


*[cf [Redbook7:226-229][19900823:1142]{The Middle Classes}[23rd August 1990]ff]


Thursday 23 December 2021

{Recreating Emptiness}[29th August 1990]

[Redbook7:268][19900829:0026b]{Recreating Emptiness}[29th August 1990]




[A press-cutting from The Independent for 900827:12 inserted here in the ms, reviews Yvette Bozsik, a Hungarian actress performing in a 2-person show at the Edinburgh Festival. ‘In the Yesterday of Victory, Bozsik passes through earth, water and air in sequence.’* ‘She refers her own creative process to an internal tension which ought to funtion independently of her environment. “If I feel good – anytime and anywhere – I just destroy it because I just can’t stand it...** If I feel happy or if I’m in a pleasant place. I destroy it. So in my opinion the tension is inside us.’ ‘If I am in a good situation or a bad situation I destroy this because I need an empty space*** to start work in. “The Originator” speaks about the same. You have to destroy what is around you to be able to start work or to live again.’]


She is Fire?


***[cf Peter Brook, ‘The Empty Space’ (1968)]


Wednesday 22 December 2021

{Schizophrenia and Birthdates (2)}[29th August 1990]

[Redbook7:268][19900829:0026]{Schizophrenia and Birthdates (2)}[29th August 1990]




[A press-cutting from The Independent for 900827 (letters) inserted here in the ms, headed ‘Causes of schizophrenia’, consisting of a letter from Dr David Hill, Director of MIND** in Camden, London, criticising the findings and conclusions summarised in the press-cutting on p231*, maintains that the true causes of ‘unusual or distressing emotions and behaviour’ are usually psychological, social and economic: ‘Recent research, for instance, reveals that the majority of psychiatric in-patients were sexually or physically abused as children. Similarly, black and Irish people, as well as the unemployed, are labelled “schizophrenic” at rates several times higher than the rest of the population”.]


*ref [[Redbook7:231][19900823:1402b]{Schizophrenia and Birthdates (1)}[23rd August 1990]] 231

**[A mental health charity]

***{cf [[Redbook7:272][19900830:2335]{Schizophrenia and Birthdates (3)}[30th August 1990],] 272}


Sunday 19 December 2021

{The Gay Nineties?}[27th August 1990]

[Redbook7:267][19900827:2250i]{The Gay Nineties?}[27th August 1990]



I have an idea that there was something called the Gay Nineties* at the end of the 19th century:

(Compare this, of course, with the revolutionary phases in recent Western history, already noted** as being grouped around 1776, 1840, 1904 & 1968: allowing circumferential resonance or ‘creep’ of about 8 years either way or 1/8th circle +/-, especially forward,*** giving a sector of ¼ circle +/- for each phase.)

*(ref? Sellars & Yeatman’s ‘1066 and All That’, which humorously depicted them as a group of nonagenarians having a good time....)

[to which subsequent alterations in the use of the word ‘gay’ could of course add another slant altogether]


***(ie towards Crisis year)


{The Swinging Sixties}[27th August 1990]

[Redbook7:267][19900827:2250h]{The Swinging Sixties}[27th August 1990]



A writer in the Independent reviewing ‘Let My People Come’, which was first produced in 1974, describes it as ‘Testimony to [the] truth of the old joke that the Sixties did not end until 1975....’

That’s really remarkable. How long can I keep this up? (Although personally I always thought the Swinging Sixties began in about 1962/3 – I don’t know why.)


{Wealth and Poverty [continued]}[27th August 1990]

[Redbook7:266-267][19900827:2250g]{Wealth and Poverty [continued]}[27th August 1990]



Why isn’t this* ‘danegeld’ –

... If once you have paid him the Danegeld

You never get rid of the Dane.’**

The answer is simply because it is sharing rather than giving, and is motivated by Love (r~) rather than fear (J~)*** It represents, not an O[uter] C[ircle] reaction to an opponent’s O[uter] C[ircle] action, but an I[nner] C[ircle] understanding of his condition. It should, of course, **** have occurred significantly before any threatening outward action of avarice or lust arises, if it is a genuine loss of self for the sake of the other.

*[See last previous entry]

**–Kipling, ‘Danegeld’#




A.D. 980-1016

IT IS always a temptation to an armed and agile nation

To call upon a neighbour and to say: –

We invaded you last night – we are quite prepared to fight,

Unless you pay us cash to go away.”

And that is called asking for Dane-geld,

And the people who ask it explain

That you've only to pay 'em the Dane-geld

And then you'll get rid of the Dane!

It is always a temptation for a rich and lazy nation,

To puff and look important and to say: –

Though we know we should defeat you,

we have not the time to meet you.

We will therefore pay you cash to go away.”

And that is called paying the Dane-geld;

But we've proved it again and again,

That if once you have paid him the Dane-geld

You never get rid of the Dane.

It is wrong to put temptation in the path of any nation,

For fear they should succumb and go astray;

So when you are requested to pay up or be molested,

You will find it better policy to say: --

We never pay any-one Dane-geld,

No matter how trifling the cost;

For the end of that game is oppression and shame,

And the nation that plays it is lost!”’

(–Rudyard Kipling, c1911)



Saturday 18 December 2021

{Wealth and Poverty}[27th August 1990]

[Redbook7:266-267][19900827:2250f]{Wealth and Poverty}[27th August 1990]



A similar* line of symbolic C[ircles] A[nalysis] and S[ynthsesis] reasoning could be applied to the gap between rich and poor, where the ‘Charity’ at g~ is sharing of wealth to avoid the ultimate destructive and self-destructive O[uter] C[ircle] effects of avarice (at M~), which involves oppressive outward Action; and indeed of envy (at G~) at a much later stage, which is immediately associated with Revolution and general breakdown.

In plain terms, in these two fundamental areas – sex*, and wealth – the I[nner] C[ircle] approach will make it safe to walk the streets at night.

*[See [Redbook7:254-266][19900827:1050c]{Love, Sex and Marriage}[27th August 1990]ff, to last previous entry]



Friday 17 December 2021

{Love, Sex and Marriage [continued (18)]}[27th August 1990]

[Redbook7:266][19900827:2250e]{Love, Sex and Marriage [continued (18)]}[27th August 1990]



Proper understanding of and coping with sexual need is therefore* a part (but only a part) of bringing about the fully integrated Community, as it is a part of evolving the truly integrated Individual.

*[See [Redbook7:254-266][19900827:1050c]{Love, Sex and Marriage}[27th August 1990]ff]

[& see [Redbook7:285-286][1990090913:1128]{Female Cycles}[13th September 1990]]



Thursday 16 December 2021

{Love, Sex and Marriage [continued (17)]}[27th August 1990]

[Redbook7:265-266][19900827:2250d]{Love, Sex and Marriage [continued (17)]}[27th August 1990]



Speaking of a community of women,* I am not suggesting segregation: that would be disastrous; simply that one of the many communities which inhabit and overlap each other in any context would be the community of women (just as another would be the community of men).

It is most important that neither community keeps secrets, or physically excludes the other from its groups{:} the communities should be friendly, informal and thoroughly inclusive, in order to avoid splitting the Circle, {which}** is the integrity of the whole community.

In, say, a Village Community*** the women would and should collectively take responsibility for defusing (‘draining’ sounds a little too much like plumbing)**** male sexual needs in order to preserve the psychic balance of the community, which is not merely a matter of horizontal balance# but involves the primacy of the Inner Circle of integration over the Outer Circle of Disintegration, leading to vertical?#* orientation upwards (this is incorrectly phrased), and so to correct centering – on the Spirit.

*[[Redbook7:262-263][19900827:1050l]{Love, Sex and Marriage [continued (10)]}[27th August 1990]]

**[substituted for ‘that’]

***(ideally a Ward of c1500 to [c]2500 people: perhaps operating through its sub-unit Clusters of (say) 100 people, {&/}or through non-territorial groupings, whether formal or informal)

[See earlier vol(s), []]

****[See #** below]

#[ie G~↔M~]

#*{cf [] 308}[Redbook7:307-308][19900918:1010]{Balance and Integration}[18th September 1990],

{(cf VIII. [] 23)}

#**[‘A plumber who lived by the Sea, was plumbing his girlfriend. Said she: “Oh do stop your plumbing, there’s somebody coming!” Said the plumber, still plumbing: “It’s me.”’]

