Sunday 14 July 2019

{R~ birthdays, and Love}[5th December 1988]

[Redbook6:54-59)][19881205:1247b]{R~ birthdays, and Love}[5th December 1988]


I have commented* on the fact that both my […] cousin [X] and my youngest sister [L] were born in the R~ quarter: [mid-January] and [late February] respectively; and that they look like my vision of xS (not exactly, but enough) and share the archetypal outer attributes of simplicity and sloth;** {and that} they have the capacity to arouse Love; but neither shows great signs of the inner attributes of Love, wisdom and temperance, except in rudimentary form.*** I also remarked that I also had relatives**** who did not seem to take after the Archetype.

In fact this is not quite correct: in different ways my cousins [C] ([early February]) and [Z] ([mid-February])# have aspects of the simple approach to life, and [C] even looks right. But I do not want to push this too far at the expense of my relations: my uncle [Q] has been pursued for years by a reputation for preferring young lads….#*

*(ref V.[[Redbook5:113][19880327:2328]{Type Birth-dates}[27th March 1988],] 113)

**[Simplicity and sloth not mentioned in the entry referred to. Sloth is no longer an attribute fairly applicable to either of them, if it ever was; but the archetypal resemblance of both of these two has almost certainly been mentioned elsewhere, although the reference has not been found.]

***[at that time; even if it was a fair comment then, which is debatable, there is no reason to think it remains <20190712>]

****[ie born around that time of year]

#I have an idea that my cousin [I] was also born in January.

#*[Born mid-February. There is no suggestion that this took a sexual form. He simply, like many boys’ school staff, seems to have preferred their company to that of girls of the same age, or possibly anyone else.]



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