Sunday 28 July 2019

{Big Mother is watching you}[22nd December 1988]

[Redbook6:68-69)][19881222:1510]{Big Mother is watching you}[22nd December 1988]


‘The social pattern of the period of the Thatcher revolution was based above all on the subordination of the individual to the collective organisation. This was most apparent in the elimination of individual economic enterprise among the small businessmen and small farmers,* but it also became the rule among writers, scholars and scientists. At the same time, the old Socialist impulse toward collective equality was suspended. Thatcher put heavy emphasis on the development of individual responsibility, on the strengthening of the authority of organisers and managers, and on the expansion of wage and salary differentials on the basis of skill and effort….

‘The educational experimentation of the 1960s** was abruptly suspended in 19-- with the replacement of … by … as Secretary of State for Education. The new emphasis, under the label “polytechnicism”, was heavily towards practical industrial skills. In this realm, the task of training uneducated youngsters for the tasks and responsibilities of industrial life was a monumental one, but, through a complex network of technical schools and institutes and on-the-job training, the Thatcher government made a substantial breakthrough in the modernisation of its population.’

*{(I believe this to be the underlying trend, despite policy statements.)}

**Say, ‘the 1980s’?

[Now see next journal entry....]



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