Sunday 28 July 2019

{Big Mother is watching you}[22nd December 1988]

[Redbook6:68-69)][19881222:1510]{Big Mother is watching you}[22nd December 1988]


‘The social pattern of the period of the Thatcher revolution was based above all on the subordination of the individual to the collective organisation. This was most apparent in the elimination of individual economic enterprise among the small businessmen and small farmers,* but it also became the rule among writers, scholars and scientists. At the same time, the old Socialist impulse toward collective equality was suspended. Thatcher put heavy emphasis on the development of individual responsibility, on the strengthening of the authority of organisers and managers, and on the expansion of wage and salary differentials on the basis of skill and effort….

‘The educational experimentation of the 1960s** was abruptly suspended in 19-- with the replacement of … by … as Secretary of State for Education. The new emphasis, under the label “polytechnicism”, was heavily towards practical industrial skills. In this realm, the task of training uneducated youngsters for the tasks and responsibilities of industrial life was a monumental one, but, through a complex network of technical schools and institutes and on-the-job training, the Thatcher government made a substantial breakthrough in the modernisation of its population.’

*{(I believe this to be the underlying trend, despite policy statements.)}

**Say, ‘the 1980s’?

[Now see next journal entry....]



{Circle Speed}[21st December 1988]

[Redbook6:67)][19881221:1140]{Circle Speed}[21st December 1988]


As a matter of pure theory, one might speculate that a pure outer circle rotation would tend to accelerate towards g~(+?), but a pure inner circle rotation would tend to maintain a constant speed. Naturally, rotation speed and change* of a normal contra-rotation would depend upon which type of circle was dominant, as they would have to be synchronised.

I have no evidence for this theory [sic].

*[Change of speed, presumably, rather than of rotation/contra-rotation]


{Circles Analysis and Synthesis (2)}[7th December 1988]

[Redbook6:67)][19881207:1057]{Circles Analysis and Synthesis (2)}[7th December 1988]


In view of the distinction of Outer Circle Analysis and Inner Circle Synthesis (above),* Circles Analysis should properly be called Circles Analysis and Synthesis, or C.A.S..


God! What a load of self-important rubbish.

*ref [[Redbook6:60-61)][19881206:1407b]{Circles Analysis and Synthesis (1)}[6th December 1988],] 60-61


{Looking Backward, Looking Forward}[7th December 1988]

[Redbook6:65-66)][19881207:0952]{Looking Backward, Looking Forward}[7th December 1988]


Whether this is characteristic of Circle development I do not know, but it could logically be so: I realise that whereas my main aims in the first quarter of my life (in education) were forward-looking – to develop what I (or my family) already had, and to start new things personally and publicly – my main aims in the second quarter were backward-looking, since I was always either carrying on with projects I had started in the past (such as the writing of fiction) or nostalgically trying to recapture my own or my family’s past (fantasies of big houses, and more practical plans to live in a [C]-type of cottage with a few fields, etc.).

The practical consequences of this may not have been too brilliant. I have been aware for some months now that many of the decisions made in haste at a time of great stress when we were about to leave our flat, were in fact decisions made long before or trying to capture times long past: to buy a Land Rover caravanette (a long-held ambition), to live on a smallholding (ditto), even to live in Scotland. All these plans were made for quite different circumstances, and have since (while playing their part in development) proved a distraction from my present purpose. I am not even absolutely convinced that I shall write any more fiction:* it is possible (definitely not certain) that as a method of discovery it is no longer necessary as (and if) I am on the Inner Circle and in closer and more open contact with the sources of these ideas. And as a method of communication (which is its minor purpose) I have long known that my fiction was relatively inadequate, in a non-fiction-reading age.

The positive side is that I now feel that I am most definitely beginning to look forward again – being on the Inner or Integrative Circle (I hope).

The point of this rather self-important stuff is mostly to make a point about temporal orientation in Circle development.

*How could I write such a terrible thing? <890105>


{Right Lady}[7th December 1988]

[Redbook6:65)][19881207:0100]{Right Lady}[7th December 1988]


I had been sure (and sure that I would be wrong) that Mrs Thatcher must be born on 21st March, as the embodiment of female power; but in fact of course she was born on 13th October, almost exactly opposite and near the extreme of the right semicircle. Her femaleness is simply her gender: her politics and authoritarianism fit her birthdate; and I win heads, you lose tails.


Saturday 27 July 2019

{Love, Charity; Care? [continued]}[6th December 1988]

[Redbook6:64)][19881206:1713d]{Love, Charity; Care? [continued]}[6th December 1988]


But leaving aside the crooks in Parliament who actually govern the Country, and their villainous henchmen in shady private enterprise (not all MPs and not all businessmen, of course), I believe there is a huge number of aimless youngsters out there, employed and unemployed, who are simply spiritually ignorant – they haven’t the first clue of what is meant by the names of Qualities such as Love, and the relationship between them.*

*[Presumably, the relationship between the Qualities such as Love]


Wednesday 24 July 2019

{Love, Charity; Care?}[6th December 1988]

[Redbook6:63-64)][19881206:1713c]{Love, Charity; Care?}[6th December 1988]


This*is connected with another** chilling experience: when discussing with my younger brother [B], a few months after we arrived here – or was it on his second visit, early this year? – a little of why I had trusted my parents and why I now find it impossible to accept what had happened as a result – to be monstrously patronised by him, with not a little schadenfreude I suspect, in the unexpected and repeated form of: ‘But [Hunter], your problem is that you care.’*** Perhaps because we had no television in [I, in Scotland], and I had not watched much before or since, this was unfamiliar; but since then I have come across variants of the phrase [sic] in smart review-pieces[,] song[s] by cynical young men, and now, today, in a children’s cartoon**** which [d] was watching: where Love also came in for the same yukky [sic] treatment. This particular piece made the connection very clear: with the meaningless over-use of the expressions (‘care’ and ‘love’) typically by [sic] American-style charm-school positive-thinking manners: ‘We do care.’ ‘We love you.’

I like to think that Care, like Charity (both in their specialised meanings)# is the application of Love: Love the Quality at r~, Charity the Virtue at g~, Care a practice there or at j~. The battle-lines have never been more clearly drawn, between the shallow unreality of cynical self-interest, which after it has destroyed everything else destroys itself; and the near-perfect, dynamic, independent reality of Love, whose sacred duty it is to bring the selfishness of the Self to Self-destruction.

*[See last 2 previous entries]

**[See last previous entry but one]

***(I may have mentioned this before) [ref not found]
(His emphasis)

****ITV, c1645? (Count Duckula)

#ie not Dull Care; & certainly not Mrs Thatcher’s charity of possession and dispossession.



{Silence gives Consent [continued]}[6th December 1988]

[Redbook6:62-63)][19881206:1713b]{Silence gives Consent [continued]}[6th December 1988]


*But what do you expect from a Government which, with a minority of the popular vote, has embarked on a radical restructuring of that consensus social economy which had been built up over nearly a century of political development? And whose style is marked by a Presidential authoritarianism from the Centre, of a kind quite foreign to British politics in peacetime?

Oddly enough, although I was for two periods – once when I first voted for them in (?) 1979, and again from the Falklands campaign in 1982 until late in 1987 – basically a supporter of what they seemed to be doing for the Economy [sic] – I have always, without exception that I can recall, found Mrs Thatcher herself and the majority of her young supporters extremely difficult to take: something about her manner on television, which seemed and seems gratingly contrived, and theirs which typically seems shallow and insincere. And now I know it was all true – I was right, and refused to accept the implications.

*[See last previous entry]


Sunday 21 July 2019

{Silence gives Consent}[6th December 1988]

[Redbook6:61-63)][19881206:1713]{Silence gives Consent}[6th December 1988]


I think one of the most chilling experiences of my life, was to learn* of the Government’s rules for democratic voting on Council estates which a private developer or Housing Association wants to buy:
Vote cast
Result Counted
Abstention (No[t] vote[d])

with the consequence that the result intended by the Government, on the Torbay council estate where this was tried out, was achieved (I quote the figures from memory):
Difference 27.5%

Result: Buy-out goes ahead despite overwhelming rejection by voters.**

Apart from the hypocrisy – the Government frequently abstains at the United Nations, and certainly (as in the recent circumstances involving criticism of the U.S.A. for refusing Yasser Arafat admission to the USA [sic] and thus the UN) does not wish to be understood to vote Yes – and the philosophical ignorance which refuses to accept the possibility of an answer which is neither Yes nor No – the really shocking aspect is the mockery of fundamental democratic principles for the sake of pure window-dressing in an attempt to obtain a ‘democratic’ justification for what the Government are determined to have – that is, their own way. Even if the result had been straight compulsion to sell out without a vote, as a matter of principle that would be preferable to the devaluation of the idea of democracy by their chosen procedure. The whole thing stinks of ***South Africa.

*(BBC1[TV], Panorama, 19881205.2130)

**Apparently the Government refused this sale <890314>

***[Apartheid era, obviously]



{Circles Analysis and Synthesis (1)}

[Redbook6:60-61)][19881206:1407b]{Circles Analysis and Synthesis (1)}[6th December 1988]


It is possible that the resolution of a problem (despite earlier attempts to encircle [sic] this) can be resolved into two stages: outer circle analysis, and inner circle synthesis;* ie:

The Outer Circle is analysis of the Problem,
the Inner Circle is synthesis of the Solution.

[Text extracted from ms diagram which reproduced above:]










Of course, some sort of initial observation or data-reception is required, to know that there is a problem at all; but the major stage of observation needs a rational basis.

This analysis makes sense in the context of a disintegrative Outer Circle and an integrative Inner Circle.**

*[[Redbook5:170][19880618:0000]{Analysis and Synthesis}[18th June 1988]]

**[Specific ref not found, but the idea is common in these Journals]

***{See [[Redbook6:67)][19881207:1057]{Circles Analysis and Synthesis (2)}[7th December 1988],] 67}


{Revolutionary Circles}[6th December 1988]

[Redbook6:60)][19881206:1407]{Revolutionary Circles}[6th December 1988]


At first glance, the history of the French Revolution seems to show very clearly the full-circle* progress of the Outer Circle – including the movement of power downwards through the bourgeoisie to the workers, the proliferation of committees (including writers etc.), their warring disintegration and the swift re-establishment of one-man tyranny in the eventual shape of Napoleon. From what little I know of the Russian Revolution something rather similar seems to have happened, with Stalin taking the place of Napoleon – only there was an interim stage when things looked as though they might turn out differently, with Lenin’s New Economic Order (?).**

*[&/but see later analyses on a smaller scale, ie covering a longer time period]

**(facts not checked)
And the World War I → Weimar Republic → Hitler → World War II sequence?**
***[There is a tiny marginal ms diagram here showing a circle open at the bottom as follows:

from which text extracted is shown below, the letters presumably standing for World War(s)(1 & 2), Weimar Republic, and Hitler:]







{R~ birthdays, and Love [continued (8)]}[5th December 1988]

[Redbook6:59)][19881205:1950]{R~ birthdays, and Love [continued (8)]}[5th December 1988]


Anyway, as I was saying*… the facts given* as to birthdates and characters do not prove anything: the opening hypothesis** remains a[n] hypothesis, perhaps not even a working one. I should describe it as a possibility in any appropriate instance which, if it happened, should not be a surprise; whether, and to what extent, it is a probability, I cannot say.

*[[Redbook6:54-59)][19881205:1247b]{R~ birthdays, and Love}[5th December 1988]]

**[[Redbook6:53)][19881205:1247]{Married Circles}[5th December 1988],] p53 [sic; should this instead be [Redbook6:54-59)][19881205:1247b]{R~ birthdays, and Love}[5th December 1988] as in * above?]


Friday 19 July 2019

{R~ birthdays, and Love [continued (7)]}[5th December 1988]

[Redbook6:59)][19881205:1247h]{R~ birthdays, and Love [continued (7)]}[5th December 1988]


As for myself, I am not ashamed on the one hand of my sexual nature, and of seeing sexual intercourse as an expression of Love; but nor on the other hand am I ashamed of that Temperance and Wisdom which excludes sexual intercourse even as an expression of Love, where it is simply inappropriate.

