Friday 3 February 2017

{Star Cycles (II) [continued]– Circle Polarity}[19th November 1987]

[Redbook4:160][19871119:2312m]{Star Cycles (II) [continued]– Circle Polarity}[19th November 1987]


What is interesting about the barometric pressure dial* and the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram(s)**, is the way both start and end at (or near) A~ and pass through I~ – whichever Circle (i.e. direction) they pass through. This makes sense, given A~ as the Guide of Beginnings and the Angel of Death (cf. “[0]”); but it is in complementary opposition to Man's inner life which can be seen as beginning and ending with I~ and passing through A~.

But this distinction is more apparent than real:*** Man's Outer Circle is perceived as centred on A~ or I~ according to his viewpoint. For example, a Man fixed on material things will, as his World begins to fragment and his hold on such items slips, tend to see himself losing the bright lights and descending into night and terror; but a Man fixed on the Spirit will tend to see himself in the same position ascending from darkness towards the Light.****

*ref.[[Redbook4:154-155][19871119:2312d]{Barometers}[19th November 1987],]p154

**[[Redbook4:155][19871119:2312e]{Star Cycles (I)}[19th November 1987]ff]

***(cf. [0]!])

****{cf. [[Redbook4:165][19871121:1220#]{Star Cycles (III) – Diametric Resonance}[21st November 1987],] p165,
(but) [[Redbook4:168][19871121:2225#]{Diametric Resonance and Circle Polarity (1)}[21st November 1987],] 168.}



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