Wednesday 22 February 2017

{Diametric Resonance and Circle Polarity (1) [continued (3)]}[22nd November 1987]

[Redbook4:169][19871122:2330b]{Diametric Resonance and Circle Polarity (1) [continued (3)]}[22nd November 1987]


Diametric(al) Resonance* in fact gives the same Circle based on the opposite Pole, i.e. the Diametric Resonance of a complete Outer Circle from and to +CI~ is a complete Outer Circle based on A~. (This makes Diametric Resonance at least as powerful a concept as Contra-rotation (Resonance)**, and Radial Resonance***: interesting that it only becomes apparent when you consider whole Circles rather than particular locations). (This immediately and strongly qualifies the guess hazarded at the foot of the previous page.)****

*[[Redbook4:63][19870820:1800m]{Circle Relationships [continued(11)] – Diametrical Resonance}[20th August 1987]]

**[[Redbook4:62][19870820:1800i]{Circle Relationships [continued(7)] – Contra-rotation (1)}[20th August 1987]]

***[[Redbook4:63][19870820:1800l]{Circle Relationships [continued(10)] – Radial Resonance}[20th August 1987];
[Redbook4:64-65][19870820:1800u]{Circle Relationships [continued(19)] – Radial Relationship}[20th August 1987]]

**** [See last previous entry, last sentence before footnotes: “I also hazard a guess that all from and to A~ is Outer Circle – but with Inner Circle resonances?]



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