Tuesday 21 February 2017

{Diametric Resonance and Circle Polarity (1)}[21st November 1987]

[Redbook4:168-169][19871121:2225g]{Diametric Resonance and Circle Polarity (1)}[21st November 1987]


Presumably the crucial difference between the Circles from and to +CI~ and the Circles from and to A~: would be that on the former you can switch Circles and direction (near +C); but on the latter, you can't* – I guess.**

*Can animals? [–] plants? [Unclear whether this refers to switching direction on the Circles from & to +CI~ or A~.]
See [next entry] below. <871122>

**No; but there is a different kind of 'decision' for Fragmentation, symbolised by the railway junction dream in Vol II. <891003> {II. [[Redbook2:341-343][19840702:0830]{A Dream: The Right Lines}[2nd July1984]&f,] 343}
cf. S&C 18-2 [presumably original full-length paper version]. Note that the cycle from & to A~ was pretty much forgotten later. <930506>


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