Monday 27 February 2017

{Four Resonances: Example}[22nd November 1987]

[Redbook4:170-171][19871122:2330g]{Four Resonances: Example}[22nd November 1987]


As another* example of the three chief Resonances**: I (hope I) am {(at present)} setting out predominantly on the Inner Circle***; but (as I have described earlier) by Contra-rotation I am setting out also on the Outer Circle**** – both from +CI~; and my own emphasis could easily reverse the predominance, at least at this stage.

By Radial Resonance each station on each Circle resonates with the corresponding station on the other Circle – e.g. Love with Simplification; and (on the Contra-rotation Circle) Ordination with Harmony. Radial Resonance is subtle and direct; presumably the Radial Resonance to the Contra-rotation Circle is less noticeable than that to the predominant Circle.

Thirdly, by Diametric Resonance I feel the effect of the diametrically opposite principles starting out on an Inner Circle based on A~# – e.g. at Evolution – and presumably a lesser effect of Fragmentation (diametrically opposed to Ordination on the contra-rotating Circle).#* Presumably each of these also has its subtle radial resonance (to Complication and Creation respectively).

If you add to these the merging tendencies of Circumferential Resonance – e.g., for Love, from Attraction and Revelation – and take into account that the station whose effect is felt by any kind of resonance itself has each kind of resonance – it is possible to see how the whole orb [sic] has its effects in one degree or another.#**

*[Ref. [Redbook4:169][19871122:2330c]{Diametric Resonance and Circle Polarity (1) [continued (4)]}[22nd November 1987].]

**[See last 6 previous entries, from [Redbook4:168][19871121:2225g]{Diametric Resonance and Circle Polarity (1)}[21st November 1987] ]

***e.g. at Love.
Not quite yet? – See VI.283 <891003>

****e.g. at Ordination.

#Really? Inner?

#*Possibly in exterior matters.

#**Hmm.... <930506>
[The question left unconsidered here is: If there are multiple inter-related effects such as are suggested here, what effects are they (for example, reinforcing or contradictory – or is this answered simply by the nature of the principle or quality) and what is their relative strength? If these two questions, and particularly the second, may be considered mathematically, then, ignoring for the time being the symbolism and imagery of the language used to explore them here and the inner-world orientation of the simpler expressions considered elsewhere, something useful in everyday, actual-world practice might (or, of course, might not) result from analysis of this multiplicity. <20170114,20170225&27>]


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