Tuesday 28 February 2017

{The Resonance of Qualities}[22nd November 1987]

[Redbook4:171][19871122:2330h]{The Resonance of Qualities}[22nd November 1987]


*This is all very well for Inner and Outer Principles, each of which is associated with a particular Circle – Inner or Outer: Resonances depend on the distinction of Circles.

Or do they? What of the other Qualities** of various types set out in the Circles? Even if the relative radial distance given on pp144-5*** is correct, it is not always obvious where the Inner/Outer division lies. My guess is that it {lies}**** simply between the Vices and the Virtues (e.g. Sloth and Temperance),# but that the radial resonance between the{se} two {types} is likely to be particularly strong.

Everything else can be developed from this, I think; except that the radii themselves seem to turn around so that colours and degrees are seen again at the outermost edge (or is my speculative placing of them next to the centre, simply wrong?)

*[See last previous entry.]

**[[Redbook4:144-145][19871020:2058b]{Angelic Hierarchies [continued (20)]}[20th October 1987],] p144-145
{or Attributes)}
[In the first two paragraphs the distinction of the meanings of Principles and Qualities seems (usefully) clear; cf. earlier entries (& footnotes), where it doesn't. <20170227>]

***[[Redbook4:144-145][19871020:2058b]{Angelic Hierarchies [continued (20)]}[20th October 1987]]

****[replacing '”is”.]

#(Order later changed.) <930506>


Monday 27 February 2017

{Four Resonances: Example}[22nd November 1987]

[Redbook4:170-171][19871122:2330g]{Four Resonances: Example}[22nd November 1987]


As another* example of the three chief Resonances**: I (hope I) am {(at present)} setting out predominantly on the Inner Circle***; but (as I have described earlier) by Contra-rotation I am setting out also on the Outer Circle**** – both from +CI~; and my own emphasis could easily reverse the predominance, at least at this stage.

By Radial Resonance each station on each Circle resonates with the corresponding station on the other Circle – e.g. Love with Simplification; and (on the Contra-rotation Circle) Ordination with Harmony. Radial Resonance is subtle and direct; presumably the Radial Resonance to the Contra-rotation Circle is less noticeable than that to the predominant Circle.

Thirdly, by Diametric Resonance I feel the effect of the diametrically opposite principles starting out on an Inner Circle based on A~# – e.g. at Evolution – and presumably a lesser effect of Fragmentation (diametrically opposed to Ordination on the contra-rotating Circle).#* Presumably each of these also has its subtle radial resonance (to Complication and Creation respectively).

If you add to these the merging tendencies of Circumferential Resonance – e.g., for Love, from Attraction and Revelation – and take into account that the station whose effect is felt by any kind of resonance itself has each kind of resonance – it is possible to see how the whole orb [sic] has its effects in one degree or another.#**

*[Ref. [Redbook4:169][19871122:2330c]{Diametric Resonance and Circle Polarity (1) [continued (4)]}[22nd November 1987].]

**[See last 6 previous entries, from [Redbook4:168][19871121:2225g]{Diametric Resonance and Circle Polarity (1)}[21st November 1987] ]

***e.g. at Love.
Not quite yet? – See VI.283 <891003>

****e.g. at Ordination.

#Really? Inner?

#*Possibly in exterior matters.

#**Hmm.... <930506>
[The question left unconsidered here is: If there are multiple inter-related effects such as are suggested here, what effects are they (for example, reinforcing or contradictory – or is this answered simply by the nature of the principle or quality) and what is their relative strength? If these two questions, and particularly the second, may be considered mathematically, then, ignoring for the time being the symbolism and imagery of the language used to explore them here and the inner-world orientation of the simpler expressions considered elsewhere, something useful in everyday, actual-world practice might (or, of course, might not) result from analysis of this multiplicity. <20170114,20170225&27>]


Saturday 25 February 2017

{Contra-rotation (2)}[22nd November 1987]

[Redbook4:170][19871122:2330e]{Contra-rotation (2)}[22nd November 1987]


I speculate that, in human affairs at least, by Contra-rotation* the Inner Circle may play a part in bringing the Outer Circle round (e.g. the Evolution of the Soul/Mind hastens the Fragmentation of the Wlll/Career). I do not know whether any similar process could be at work in the natural World. But similarly, does the Outer Circle by Contra-rotation assist, or merely affect, the Inner Circle? I guess: affect; but all tendencies if recognised may be treated positively, to assist.

*[[Redbook4:62][19870820:1800i]{Circle Relationships [continued(7)] – Contra-rotation (1)}[20th August 1987]]


{Radial Resonance}[22nd November 1987]

[Redbook4:169][19871122:2330d]{Radial Resonance}[22nd November 1987]


Radial Resonance* is, I think, far more subtle** and relates primarily to each location rather than to a full Circle pattern – otherwise we should have too much emphasis on Circles turning the wrong way.***

*[[Redbook4:63][19870820:1800l]{Circle Relationships [continued(10)] – Radial Resonance}[20th August 1987];
[Redbook4:64-65][19870820:1800u]{Circle Relationships [continued(19)] – Radial Relationship}[20th August 1987]]

**[i.e. than Diametric Resonance, presumably – see last previous entry, & 3 last previous entries to that from [Redbook4:168-169][19871121:2225g]{Diametric Resonance and Circle Polarity (1)}[21st November 1987].]

***{But cf. S&C [presumably original full-length paper version]!}


Friday 24 February 2017

{Diametric Resonance and Circle Polarity (1) [continued (4)]}[22nd November 1987]

[Redbook4:169][19871122:2330c]{Diametric Resonance and Circle Polarity (1) [continued (4)]}[22nd November 1987]


I speculate that Diametric Resonance might manifest itself according to the subject matter of the circles involved. For example, I set out*, as an exercise of will, to build a business empire: (Stage 0 is Attraction**):

***Stage I{:}
***Stage II{:}
Outer Circle:
Ordination (Organisation);
Outer Action (Work)
Inner Circle:
Love” of the work);
Revelation (of the plan)
Diametric Resonance:
Outer Circle:
Fragmentation (of objects in the way);
Revolution (ditto).

This is perhaps weak: another possibility is that Diametric Resonance is of the Separation, and refers (in these two cases) for example to the situation of anything and anyone who stands in the way: this is an example of Interaction, i.e. External Gearing, seen for example as the fate of Individuals etc. on the turn of the Wheel of Fortune.

*[The present (& conditional) tense, not the past!]

**for which I suppose the Diametric Resonance is Distraction <871123>

***[{Underlining} added later.]

****(ref. [[Redbook4:62][19870820:1800h]{Circle Relationships [continued(6)] – [(2) Gearing:] Interaction}[20th August 1987],] p62)


Wednesday 22 February 2017

{Diametric Resonance and Circle Polarity (1) [continued (3)]}[22nd November 1987]

[Redbook4:169][19871122:2330b]{Diametric Resonance and Circle Polarity (1) [continued (3)]}[22nd November 1987]


Diametric(al) Resonance* in fact gives the same Circle based on the opposite Pole, i.e. the Diametric Resonance of a complete Outer Circle from and to +CI~ is a complete Outer Circle based on A~. (This makes Diametric Resonance at least as powerful a concept as Contra-rotation (Resonance)**, and Radial Resonance***: interesting that it only becomes apparent when you consider whole Circles rather than particular locations). (This immediately and strongly qualifies the guess hazarded at the foot of the previous page.)****

*[[Redbook4:63][19870820:1800m]{Circle Relationships [continued(11)] – Diametrical Resonance}[20th August 1987]]

**[[Redbook4:62][19870820:1800i]{Circle Relationships [continued(7)] – Contra-rotation (1)}[20th August 1987]]

***[[Redbook4:63][19870820:1800l]{Circle Relationships [continued(10)] – Radial Resonance}[20th August 1987];
[Redbook4:64-65][19870820:1800u]{Circle Relationships [continued(19)] – Radial Relationship}[20th August 1987]]

**** [See last previous entry, last sentence before footnotes: “I also hazard a guess that all from and to A~ is Outer Circle – but with Inner Circle resonances?]



Tuesday 21 February 2017

{Diametric Resonance and Circle Polarity (1) [continued]}[22nd November 1987]

[Redbook4:168-169][19871122:2330]{Diametric Resonance and Circle Polarity (1) [continued]}[22nd November 1987]


*Can animals? – plants? No, of course not.

Try again: Perhaps (until evidence to the contrary) we can distinguish as follows:**


The Universe
Outer Circle
from & to +CI~ (with Contra-rotation?)
Within the Universe

Inanimate Objects: Stars (etc.?)
Outer Circle
from & to A~

Animate Objects: Bodies (etc.?)
Outer Circle
from & to +CI~

All Inner Circle is from & to +CI~

Animate Behaviour: Mind etc.
Inner Circle
influence on Outer Circle (Contra-rotation)

([–] I guess)

(?) Human Soul
Inner Circle:
Power of Choice of Direction
I also hazard a guess that all from and to A~ is Outer Circle – but with Inner Circle resonances?****

*[See last previous entry.] [Unclear whether this refers to switching direction on the Circles from & to +CI~ or A~.]

**{ref. [[Redbook4:157-158][19871119:2312i]{Star Cycles (I) [continued (5)] – The Problem of Green}[19th November 1987],] p158,
[[Redbook4:160][19871119:2312m]{Star Cycles (II) [continued]– Circle Polarity}[19th November 1987],] 160}

***cf. [[Redbook4:125-126][19871014:2155c]{Generalisation and Specialisation [continued (3)]}[14th October 1987],] p126

****[But see next entry, final parenthesis.]



{Diametric Resonance and Circle Polarity (1)}[21st November 1987]

[Redbook4:168-169][19871121:2225g]{Diametric Resonance and Circle Polarity (1)}[21st November 1987]


Presumably the crucial difference between the Circles from and to +CI~ and the Circles from and to A~: would be that on the former you can switch Circles and direction (near +C); but on the latter, you can't* – I guess.**

*Can animals? [–] plants? [Unclear whether this refers to switching direction on the Circles from & to +CI~ or A~.]
See [next entry] below. <871122>

**No; but there is a different kind of 'decision' for Fragmentation, symbolised by the railway junction dream in Vol II. <891003> {II. [[Redbook2:341-343][19840702:0830]{A Dream: The Right Lines}[2nd July1984]&f,] 343}
cf. S&C 18-2 [presumably original full-length paper version]. Note that the cycle from & to A~ was pretty much forgotten later. <930506>


Monday 20 February 2017

{'N' Gauge}[21st November 1987]

[Redbook4:168][19871121:2225f]{'N' Gauge}[21st November 1987]


(I have been doodling more 'N' gauge railways.)*

*[ref. [Redbook4:162][19871121:0200b]{Number Cards and Railways}[21st November 1987].]


Sunday 19 February 2017

{The Names of the Archetypes}[21st November 1987]

[Redbook4:168][19871121:2225e]{The Names of the Archetypes}[21st November 1987]


Out of the Archangelic hierarchy, some possible information re the names of the fictional Archetypes emerges. These may be named as follows:


I doubt whether these were all necessarily the names by which they would have been Christened, or registered.

*[These were changed later and have been omitted from the typescript.]


Saturday 18 February 2017

{The Divine and the Creative (The Dragon Line?)}[21st November 1987]

[Redbook4:167][19871121:2225d]{The Divine and the Creative (The Dragon Line?)}[21st November 1987]


See footnote [near] foot of *p119 (written now) – The link of +CI~ to J~ is the direct link of the divine to the Creative in Man.**

*[[Redbook4:119][19871006:1020p]{Death Lines [continued]}[6th October 1987]]

**Is this the Dragon Line***? <19871123>

***{The Dragon Line in [1] is more Northeast to Southwest – i.e. J~ – S~? Is it this line across which M~ holds G~?} [<891003>?]
(i.e. in check) (More likely to be R~ - U~. <891003>


Friday 17 February 2017

{Methodology: The System and the Self}[21st November 1987]

[Redbook4:167][19871121:2225c]{Methodology: The System and the Self}[21st November 1987]


It is interesting (and re-assuring) how often the Circle patterns turn out to fit or have significance in ways quite different from those I expect before I start writing it out. This does not make them right, of course; but it suggests that my interpretation is relatively un-self-centred, at least as far as the conscious self and its presumptions are concerned, and therefore more likely to be detached and objective. To put it another way, in this writing the System has taken the place of the Self; it may still be wrong.


Thursday 16 February 2017

{The Circle of the Seasons [continued]}[21st November 1987]

[Redbook4:166-167][19871121:2225b]{The Circle of the Seasons [continued]}[21st November 1987]


Perhaps the significance of the pattern of the Seasons* in Earthly life being Outer** Circle from and to +CI~ {–} is that in organic life +CI~ becomes the dominant or key influence, the beginning and the end, where patterns of behaviour of Life are concerned: as in Man; and as in the whole Universe; whereas for Matter within the Universe the Outer Circle begins and ends with A~, where there is not Life as we understand it.*** It is clear that the two are thoroughly interlocked.

It may be that only the Outer Circle from and to +CI~ can lead fully to to the Inner Circle, and only then according to the development of the Individual; but this may be a question of degree in both conditions, bearing in mind the significance of the Transformation Point (R~) in Stellar Evolution along the Outer Circle from and to A~.****

*[See last previous entry.]

**[Sic – cf. last previous entry.]


[[Redbook4:163-164][19871121:1310b]{Star Cycles (III) [continued (3)] – The Main Sequence}[21st November 1987]ff?] p164,
[& [Redbook4:156][19871119:2312g]{Star Cycles (I) [continued (3)] – The Transformation Point}[19th November 1987]?]
[& [Redbook4:161][19871121:0051]{Star Cycles (II) [continued (3)] – The Transformation Point (II)*}[21st November 1987]?]
{[& [Redbook4:172][19871122:2330#]{Star Cycles (IV): Circumferential Resonance in Dying Stars}[22nd November 1987],] 172).

cf. S&C 18-2 [presumably original full-length paper version]. Note that the cycle from & to A~ was pretty much forgotten later. <930506>

[The footnote at [Redbook4:166-167][19871121:1310g]{Star Cycles (III) [continued (8)] – {(Footnote:) The Transformation Point [III]}[21st November 1987] is written into the ms immediately after this entry but is also linked by arrows to the point at which it has been inserted in this typescript.]


Tuesday 14 February 2017

{The Circle of the Seasons}[21st November 1987]

[Redbook4:166-167][19871121:2225]{The Circle of the Seasons}[21st November 1987]


But what about (for example) the Seasons? The actual dates are hardly relevant scientifically, as they vary across the World anyway; but surely the Outer Circle through A~ is appropriate (with perhaps Inner Circle contra-rotational resonances)? Well, I'm not sure.

First of all, the Inner Circle through A~, i.e. from and to +CI~, seems in some ways more significant to the annual cycle of most plants, birds and animals; i.e.:


Coupling {& Organisation of Nest)}
(Outer Action)
Nest-building by intuition
Family development & plurality
Inner Action
Family independence
Family {becomes}* community
Migration, death

(Secondly, Diametric Resonance through*** A~ on both Circles**** offers, perhaps, a few useful points...?)#

*[ms {text} replacing an arrow]

**On re-reading this, the Outer Circle Principles seem at least as appropriate as the Inner Circle Principles. <871122>

***[sic – possibly “through” should be “from and to” here?]

****ref. [{(See [[Redbook4:168-169][19871121:2225#]{Diametric Resonance and Circle Polarity (1)}[21st November 1987],] 169.

#Not really.

