Monday 8 February 2016

{Mysticism, Witchcraft and the Occult [continued]}[4th April 1987]

[Redbook3:115-116][19870404:1821k]{Mysticism, Witchcraft and the Occult [continued]}[4th April 1987]


The point of this is to distinguish witchcraft, the occult, and “mysticism”. They are all concerned with what we might call 'the Unseen': so, in a sense, is Science, which, however, one would hope is still distinguished by its dependence on the rational. The irrational is, perhaps, irrational to us because, in the absence of a sufficient picture, it requires a mental leap of irrationality; or perhaps this is not so.

In any case, what is important to realise is that witchcraft is about power*: generally speaking its adherents actually claim this, as one of its attractions. Talk of white witches and wizards is misleading as they are (as I understand it) also about power. The acquisition of power for the self implies inflation of the Self, which jeopardises personal immortality by staining the Soul; the Spirit is veiled by the extreme manifestations of the Separation (I guess), which is presumably why it appears to be an evil spirit, being under the direction of the Self wedded to extreme Separation (I refer to embodied spirits).

Investigation** of the Occult*** is, in a sense, neutral, since everything depends on the motivation: but it can be dangerous. A purely scientific interest may remain neutral; a weak or greedy mind, or a mind tending towards personal power, may be drawn down into witchcraft, black magic or sorcery; a mind tending towards the Spirit may be drawn upwards to the Light.

'Mysticism', the Spiritual extreme of religion, is ultimately about abnegation of the Self and submergence**** of the Will into the Will of God, the One, Unity. It is not necessary to pass through an interest in the Occult in order to practice Spiritual disciplines.

*(with black magic etc.)

**[This word's underlining added later.]

***i.e. in the sense, Hidden (including Psychical Research). <890930>
[In this paragraph in the ms., the first 'may' is underlined twice and third 'may' is underlined three times.]

****[cf.] 'Islam', surrender <890930>



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