Saturday 6 February 2016

(DEVELOPMENT (2): {Invocation and Inspiration [continued]})[4th April 1987]

[Redbook3:114][19870404:1821i](DEVELOPMENT (2): {Invocation and Inspiration [continued]})[4th April 1987]


Whether the later experiences* owed anything to the earlier is hard to say; it is instructive to ask why I did this. I think the answer lies, possibly, in a strong awareness of an unseen world and the presence of unseen powers; although it was a long time before I reconciled this knowledge with the sceptical approach acquired during education.** For a long time the two world-views existed side by side, the*** one excluding the other, and relative domination depending very much upon what I was doing at the time.**** Some degree of fusion has only come very recently. Possibly the open-mindedness and flexibility of mind which made this# possible (and possible for so long) owed something to much early reading of Science Fiction magazines#*, C.S. Lewis, & J.R.R.Tolkien, and even [Rudyard] Kipling; or it may have been inherent.

But I do recall that it was not without trepidation that I made this informal but intense invocation. I think I was aware that it was a decisive step, and probably an irreversible one.

*[See last previous entry: presumably, the later experiences are as recounted in the first paragraph and the earlier experience is as recounted in the second paragraph, in that entry.]

**cf. [3:]116 [next entry but one &/or two]! The difference is between surrender to the Highest as against control (willed) of the lower. <890930>

***[i.e. each]

****I also frequently asked myself whether I was Christian: concluding that I was, but that other Christians might not accept that I was. <890922>

#[i.e. the two world-views existing side by side for a long time, presumably, not the recent degree of fusion.]

#*When I was young, I was fascinated by telepathy, and wanted to be able to do it. <890930>


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