Wednesday 30 December 2015

{Methodology – Fictions}[31st March 1987]

[Redbook3:82-83][19870331:1825f]{Methodology – Fictions}[31st March 1987]


Perhaps this is an appropriate moment to distinguish again this Book and [my] other books. The initial capital letter is solely to distinguish, now: once, I saw this Book's Volumes as a “core”, more significant than the other books' fictional and more veiled level. Something rather strange has happened. In the books, starting with [0], a fictional environment based on my own experience (of one kind or another) is constructed; in it, fictional characters operate, generally within the framework of a set of rules*. Some of these characters are incidental, some stereotypical; some archetyp(ic?)al.

The archetypes speak, often, when discussing 'inner' matters (which tend towards the 'real' as against the books' environmental 'fiction'), with a flow and authority which is distinguishable from the generally (and deliberately, or at least consciously) rather un-self-confident style of the fictional narrator. Having, in [2], deliberately expunged my revisions of these didactic passages – I find they seem to offer perspectives and knowledge (if believed) not directly available, even as hypothesis, to my non-fictional self. This Book (or journal) is then reduced (if that is the right word) to a commentary on the information acquired through the writing of fiction, and on the testing of it by private experiment and public observation.**

{But in fact several views from [2] do seem to have been seen in (e.g. ) Vol[ume] II [of this Book] – perhaps 'censored' by Reason!}

*(i.e. the more-or-less rigid structure of the plot.)

**[It has also turned out to have another function: a type of letter to the future writer/reader, in a way which was, I think, sometimes foreseen, at least in principle. A couple of days before the time of writing this note, the writer of it was uploading the blog entry at [Redbook3:28-30][19870326:1543j]{Recurring Image: Death and Dismemberment}[26th March 1987], and found it directly applicable to the difficult personal situation he found himself in then and since then; and it was, after some difficulty, so applied, and rightly so.(This footnote also added with variations at [Redbook3:32-34][19870326:1543n](PURPOSE OF THIS JOURNAL)[26th March 1987])] <20151031>


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