Wednesday 5 February 2014

{[The College]}[27th June 1973]

[Redbook2:2-3] [19730627:1601a]{[The College]}[27th June 1973]


            I do not wish ever to give money to [the College].  I have made some good friends here; but they have not included any of the Academic Establishment.  In my first year I needed help; I was refused it: outright by IB, impliedly by others.  I passed. In my second year I lived out, worked in, hated law and stepped up a class.  I had no help or advice.  In my third year I lived in, enjoyed myself moderately, accepted bad (and sparse) advice and became over-confident.  I slipped to a Third – unnecessarily, and through my own errors of judgment; but better advice might have saved me.

            Outside my room at this moment workmen are putting the finishing touches to temporary fuel tanks to enable the new building to go ahead.  The rubbish grinder under my room grates, and the dustbins attract flies.  Frightful booms and arguments herald the advance of progress.  I wouldn’t mind so much the fact that they restarted work about a week ago had I not spent many hours of worry trying to stop the work of building the substructure from going ahead before my exams – to be told that it had to be done; it was done, and the tanks sat at the bottom of it for three weeks, through my exams, until the May Ball.  I do not blame this for my third; but the noise and anxiety and attitude are inconsistent with a College, least of all in exam term.


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