Thursday 6 February 2014

{Post-mortem}[28th June 1973]

[Redbook2:4-5][19730628:1623]{Post-mortem}[28th June 1973]


            Yesterday, Q returned at about five, having apparently been warned briefly by her mother not to get hurt.

            In the evening we went to LO’s home made wine party – rather a flop – his spastic (?) sister W, a nice girl, quietened things down.  Everyone tired and dispirited, I think.

            I neglected Q shamefully and talked too often to R(V?); but we walked back together in the rain [...].

            This morning we are better.  I met [EE] [my Director of Studies] and asked if he expected my Third; he had the grace to dissemble.  IB was downright unhelpful and even aggressive, throwing the onus back onto me in his usual rude fashion.  I cannot cope with this in the context of my own failure.  But a nice letter came from M – how splendid mothers can be.

            Neither academic claims to have expected my Third.  I am beginning to wallow in it in a boring way, as Q told me.


            EE became my Director of Studies for this last term; IB remained my Tutor.  When I met EE this morning and asked him, he said that of course he did not know for my other subjects but for the two he taught me he had hoped I would get a 2:2.

            It only occurred to me later to wonder why, as my Director of Studies, he did not know about my other subjects.


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