Sunday 12 January 2014

{Film Review II [continued(5)]}[24th February 1973]

[Redbook1:283-290][19730224:1735d]{Film Review II [continued(5)]}[24th February 1973]

(Saturday) 197302241735

            I suppose it’s the difference really between permissiveness and openness.  Permissiveness involves exploitation, inhibition, frustration, uncertainty, corruption, decadence.  It is summed up by the commercial ‘don’t touch’ striptease, and the [original] Playboy Club.

            Openness involves love, understanding, compassion, and not being afraid to show affection physically, in the way that seems appropriate in the light of these (and other) concepts.  It might be represented for me in a society whose laws allowed naked swimming and sunbathing, except perhaps on certain beaches at certain times for the sake of the shockable; where gross indecency and other sexual offences were recognised as being mitigated by emotional realities in* adults, and meaningless in* children; and where pornography was available, but banned from display.

            (For the rest of it, see my own political ideas!)

            Ultimately, one would hope that sex as a ‘principal activity’ would come to mean only the physical act of intercourse between male and female. The peripheral activities now condemned under our bloated definition of sexual activities would be taken at face value only, i.e. seen only in relation to themselves (if you see what I mean).  I have often woken up in the morning with an erect penis; I hope I would not be accused of being a blanket fetishist, or a sheet-sexual.  I can remember that occasionally boys at school used to lose control inadvertently in the communal showers: no one seriously accused anyone of being queer because his penis became semi-erect or even fully erect under streams of warm water; i.e. even the primary sexual organs do not only react sexually.  Ah well – I suppose we shall muddle through as before, with inhibitions, exploitation, frustration. 

(But I note that sexual offences are down this year.)

*[i.e. when committed by]



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