Monday 2 December 2013

{[...]s’ Rabbit}[7th November 1972]

[Redbook1:266][19721107:1518]{[...]s’ Rabbit}[7th November 1972]

Tuesday 19721107 1518

            I suspect that the brilliance of [L.O.] will lead him one day to great eminence, and so I should like to get this dialogue down before I forget it.  It is correct essentially here.

Self:     What’s the jugged hare like?
L:         Very  good.
S:         I would have had some but I’m rather fond of hares – live ones – and they scream like babies when they’re hurt – rather horrible.
            Also, I don’t like myxomatosis very much.
L:         Thank you.
S:         Actually hares don’t get it.  There aren’t so many of them – perhaps that’s why – I have an idea myxomatosis spreads in crowded conditions.
L:         I suppose rabbits don’t have laws against bigamy.
S:         What?  [With a horrible feeling that there is a connection]
L:         I mean, it doesn’t matter if there’s lots of rabbits to one hare.
S:         What do you mean?  [Wondering if he’s misunderstood L.]
[M goes red]  [S wonders how to put this:]
S:         Do you mean, it doesn’t matter if there’s one male hare to lots of female rabbits?
L:         Yes.  [ -- Relieved that he hasn’t made a frightful boob?]
S:         They’re different species, actually.
L:         Oh.  [Goes very red]....

            I said I wouldn’t tell anyone and I haven’t; but it is rather surprising.  I believe L took a first both years so far; he is in other ways very much on the ball.


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